Monday, October 26, 2020

When the Rain Comes

I’m feeling all rumbly, tumbly jumbled this morning. Warum? Eh, same reason as every other mostly sane creature in the US – I’m so, SO tired of all the lies, hyper hysteria and nutzoid gaslighting. I’m beyond sick of the Republi/Fascist tiny dicked theft of democracy FOR ALL (versus just for the micro-schwanzed rich, white men). Make no bloody mistake, 45 is just the overly cosmetic-ed head of the hate monster party that’s killing this country. And I’ll stop that rant, right fucking there.

We’ve got EIGHT days until November third. No, I don’t think we’ll know what’s what, who won, on that night OR by the next morning. Still, we will have hit the mark. I gotta stop obsessing over the polls and cease with the we’re-all-gonna-fucking-die (‘cept for the 1%-ers) bullshit. We won’t know the score on 11/3 but it’s likely that shit’s gonna get even more crazy-headed, no matter what. I need to beat the rush and start attempting calm and chill NOW.

Meanwhile, Plague45 gets worse every damn day. In Massachusetts, yesterday alone, there were 1,077 new cases, 25 fresh deaths and 538 people needing to be hospitalized – thanks to Prez Giant Orange Maggot and his mentally unhinged, renfieldian Republi/Fascist sycophants.

The states in the worst shape now are North and South Dakota, Montana and Wisconsin but the Midwest, in general, is on fire too.

Idiot lap dog, Dense Pence, says he "couldn't be more proud” of how Prez Shambling Superspreader handled COVID, even as his own staff is now riddled with it. Supposedly Mother’s boy doesn’t have it…YET. Also, Mark Meadows, the WH chief of morons says they’ve given up on trying to “control” the virus. 

Question – when did they ever put forth ANY effort to control it at all?

All this and, in tomorrow’s online PT session, I need to request some kind of an organized schedule. I have a list of all the exercises that I should be doing (on top of my walking and ellipticaling) but I have a nasty habit of overdoing it. (yes, yez, why do when I can overdo?)  I'll have a great exercise day, feel Almost “normal” (as close as I ever get) and then, in the next day or two, I’m back to popping Tylenol like Pez, sparking up the heating pad and lying in bed with Coco draped over my chest and neck. I'm two and a half months post-op — shouldn't I be ALL better now?

I could PROBABLY put together my own schedge but doesn’t it make oodles of sense for a pro physical therapist to do it? Ya know?

AND, Ten just zipped out to the grocery to see if he can score me some Oreos. Why? Apart from the fact that I, just generally, enjoy the damn things, they have a new magnificently awesome commercial up. Some ratfucking, religo/fascist, asswipian, “christian,” twat group is raising a ruckus. Of course they are – birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim, assholes gotta asshole.

 By the by, I found the Oreo story and the cat quarantine comic via Infidel753’s latest link round-up (Various interesting stuff I ran across on the net over the last week). I LURV this feature on his blog! He introduces me to so much interesting, weird, funny stuff that I wouldn’t otherwise see.

OK, I gotta get up and out for a walk before the rain comes.


  1. Thanks for the link!

    That "One Million Moms" Christian anti-gay group has quite a track record of bitching about things like this. Rumor has it that its membership is 999,999 fewer than the name implies.

    1. yeah, the membership numbers (or lack thereof) – no big surprise. Still, some days it feels like the assholes and twats are myriad.

  2. I saw that vid the other day, then sent it to my list of anti-Trumpers which includes a few church types.They liked it...

    About forty years ago (Reagan Era), I noticed the church people were becoming more strident in their objections to the evolving world. Before that, the church I grew to maturity in was a place that had a compassionate and inclusive message. The Jesus people from the hippy movement were also inclusive, particularly if you took a phamphlet. In retrospect I wonder if the church I grew up in and liked had followed that path as a reaction to the horrors of WWII. Seems likely that the wartime bloodlust was so excessive that a cultural shift had to occur. As to the hippies who became Jesus People, I remember a good friend who had a nasty reaction to LSD, joined a church and managed to live a good life. Again, it was a traumatic experience that led him to want peace and stability.

    But forty years ago the movement began a concerted propaganda effort to poison our minds. In Oregon the OCA (Oregon Citizens Alliance) came about and spent a lot of time and money trying to convince the people that gay men were lurking around school yards recruiting young boys into their lifestyle. It was all a lie of course, but it did fracture the church people into one group who were convinced that God was instructing them to go to war (they were many beatings and a few deaths) and another group who understood that gay men and women make up about 10% of the population, and were just trying to live their lives in peace and harmony...

    So apparently we live on a religion based merry-go-round that seems to be spinning faster. The dark part of the movement have sold their souls to Trump and his ilk. It's unlikely we will ever see them behave appropriately in the emerging multicultural and interconnected world. I'm still hopeful they will accept Trump losing the election, but will not be surprised if they stir up the hate and resulting bloodshed...

    1. I think a good start in reducing the number of radically UNChrist-like churches would be to tax the hell outta them. Smaller churches, who actually practice the Sermon on the Mount type New Testament stuff, maybe not so much but DEF BIG taxes on those big box motherfuckers. They're nothing more than right wing PACs and profit machines.

      The hippies who became Jesus People – they made the concept of church more appealing/less appallingly "conform or else."
