Thursday, November 26, 2020

And Now We Is Nine

I started this here blog on Thanksgiving Day, nine years ago – it was the 24th of November 2011. So damn much has happened since that day.

  • Since Tell Me a Story's advent, I’ve lost a few more brain tumors and six spine suckers.
  • My hunny-pie soulmate of 30 years opted outta this life but, astoundingly, I've landed another. Hooking up with just one fabulously kindred spirit, let alone two, was wholly unexpected. I must have been such a good doobie in my last incarnation to rate TAB and Ten.
  • The tribe I call family has both increased and diminished. The losses have been due, in part, to the the unforgiving circle of life but also, on occasion, by deliberate choice. I’m at peace with that...and shit. The gains? Good doobie, last go 'round and shit.
  • Somewhere in these past nine years, my gig changed radically and happily. Freelance graphic design? Yeah baby, that's the ticket!
  • I’ve traveled, traveled and then traveled some more.
  • There was that insane Snowmaggedon winter and other interesting environment events.

This weekend is also the anniversary of my arrival in Boston 40 years ago. I left my parents small Western Pennsylvania college town on Turkey Day evening on a Trailways bus. I was seen off by my father, little sister and, weirdly and uncomfortably, the previous evening’s one night stand (yep, I said goodbye to my little town with a bang).

Cringingly, I discovered that he was one of my father’s advisees (Daddy taught math at the local college). Dude had some odd drama needs – he either wanted to impress Pop or horrify him by giving the impression that we were a real going concern. One Night Stand Boy had his arm tight around me as we all waited for the bus to show up. He then attempted to engage me in a full blown R rated so-long smooch-a-thon. No! Icky-poo and NOT in front of the fam, PUH-LEEZE! I shook him off, boarded and sped off into the future.

Who knew the future would routinely include views like this? Not I!

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