Monday, November 2, 2020

I'm a real live wire

The largest part of what we call ‘personality’ is determined by how we’ve opted to defend ourselves against anxiety and sadness.
~ Alain de Botton

 defend ourselves against anxiety and sadness?“ “defend ourselves against anxiety and sadness?!?“ Maybe what this dude really meant to say is that our personalities are formed by how we cope with, process and otherwise handle anxiety and sadness.

Fighting off and/or ignoring (con forza) anxiety and sadness does NOT make them vanish. Nope. It don’t.

Fer instance, I imagine most of my fellow Americans are experiencing heinous amounts of stress right now. The election’s tomorrow. Will the Republi/Fascists succeed in their vile, violent and utterly disgusting voter suppression efforts? Desperate Donnie and his Sycophant Party don’t want all of our votes to count. His brainwashed renfieldian cult’s intimidation bullshit is escalating.

So yeah, I’m afraid, worried and twitchy as all hell. How am I gonna manage this shit so’s I don’t:

  • Drink myself into a coma
  • Rant, rave and explode in wild agitata all over Jen, Ten and Oni – my resident angels
  • Over exercise (which will further damage my still recovering old bod)
  • Spend all day obsessively checking the news reports and polls

I’m not just nervous, I'm sad too. Part of that’s about my banjaxed health – my weakness, loss of music and damned neuro-surgery habit – but a significant portion is about the election.

Possibly, my sadness is also rooted in disappointment. I’ve ditched or muted nearly all of my Shoutyface and Twitter acquaintances who support that rotted orange blobfish but apparently missed one. This "friend," just yesterday, posted a link to some article defending and promoting voting for the Tangelo Treasonweasel. I was stunned. I honestly didn’t know that she was so tiny brained, so astoundingly short on empathy and decency. She always seemed nice and NOT a total dimwit. (we went to the same high school though I’ve never met her)

The road to Auschwitz was built by hate but it was paved with indifference.
~ Ian Kershaw

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

~Edmund Burke 

Indifference, doing nothing is collaboration. Voting for an unhinged madman who’s ripped families apart, sticks babies and children in cages, ignores and hastens the suffering and deaths of our fellow humans, steals and is a giganto fraudster IS motherfucking collusion.!

To paraphrase Mary McCarthy, every word out of 45’s mouth is a lie, including 'and' and ‘the.’ If he’s breathing, he’s lying. If, after four years of witnessing his astounding incompetence, cruelty and relentless lies, you still believe him, you’re a stunningly dimbulbed fool AND you ARE complicit in every last one of his (and his perfidious badministration’s) crimes. 

Worrying is carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength – carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.
~ Corrie Ten Boom

How am I gonna process my angst and gloom? I’ll start a new painting, take an easy walk, play with Coco, do my PT ex and start on my next design project. I’ll also spend a minute mourning the loss of yet another acquaintance who’s just NOT mature enough to get on this ride.

Psycho Killer – Talking Heads

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