Tuesday, November 3, 2020

You KNOW What To Do!

Vote, my gorgeous angels, motherfucking VOTE!

public health officials are linking Trump’s signature rallies to the virus’ spread. And Trump dismissing the pandemic’s severity in new and attention-grabbing ways keeps stepping on any other closing argument for a second term. (source

keeps stepping on any other closing argument for a second term.” – AKA stepping on his own, mini-mushroom sized schmeckie.

A new Stanford study concludes that Trump rallies resulted in more than 30,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, and likely caused more than 700 deaths among attendees and their close contacts. (source)
The study is based on rallies held last summer. Just imagine the plague spike after Prez Superspreader’s latest rallies. Yes, stratospheric bin-brain that he is, he’s killing off his own dimwitted voters.

Here in the U.S. yesterday, there were 93,223 new Plague45 cases and 533 deaths close to 100k new cases YESTERDAY ALONE! It’s so bad now in Massachusetts (and we’re far from the worst) that my idiot, Mango Mussolini voting neighbor across the street (with his two yard signs plus flag) has been seen, on his front lawn, wearing a mask. That and I’m getting regular hyper alerts on the telefonino telling me that two of the the towns bordering Valhalla are in, essentially, red alert mode.

So…yeah…I’m not going out ‘cept for brief, early, masked walks.

The states in the worst shape today, election Day 2020, are North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, Montana, Iowa, Wyoming, Nebraska and Illinois. Aside from Illinois, pResident Evil took all those states in 2016.

 Hope you dolts have enjoyed your four years of chaos, broken promises, crimes against humanity, tax-cuts-and-democracy-for-the-rich/cold-capitalism-for-us-peasants plus all the sickness and death we can absorb.

What can you realistically expect when you elect a radically insecure, ego mad, rapey, hate fueled, trash-fire brained, griftosaurus, reality teevee prez?

I’m exhausted. I’m sure we all are. Over these past four years I’ve shed more “friends” and people I’m related to purely by accident of birth. To be fair, I’ve also made new friends and discovered two fabulous blood relations of whom I’d been unaware.

If this country is to survive we need to put the abominable assholes and imbecilic idiots back into their tiny rage closets. We NEED to vote out every last one of the Republi/Fascist swindlers. They’ve enabled 45’s democracy destruction for the past four years because they only serve the rich – NOT you (not even if you cast your vote for one of them) or me. There are NO moderate Republicans left. Even Mitt car-elevator Romney (AKA Mittens) voted with the Tangerine Treason Machine 82% of the time. Lisa give-my-state-some-buckos-and-I’ll-vote-for-whatever-you-want Murkowski – 75%. Poodle Head Paul – 70%. Cowardly but Concerned  Collins of Maine – 67% (all vote tracking from fivethirtyeight.com)

Vote, fer fuck’s sake VOTE! ALL of our lives depend on defeating these fuckers.

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