Friday, November 6, 2020

Let's face it. I'm tired.

God dammit I'm exhausted

 It’s the election. OK, it’s the collective bullshit of the last four+ fucking years. No, I take that back – the roots of this stone enervation sprouted a zillion and a half years ago but, HEY, let's stick with this month.

Right this moment, with 99% of the votes counted, Biden is ahead in Georgia, fucking GEORGIA, by 917. He’s got an 11,438 vote lead in Nevada where 84% of the votes have been tallied. He’s down by 18,042 in Pennsylvania with 140,000 votes from very blue Philadelphia County yet to be counted. (stats from HuffPo)

Though the AP and Fox have called Arizona for Biden, the NY Times is holding off.
Mr. Biden is still the solid favorite to win the state. But there still isn’t conclusive evidence that Mr. Trump won’t gain what’s left by a wide enough margin to win.

With 95% of the votes counted, Biden is ahead by 96,731. Seems highly unlikely that Fat Orange Nixon will catch up.  

AND, also in Georgia, with all the mail-in-vote counting,

Ossoff’s (D) rising vote totals put Perdue (incumbent R) under the 50% mark required to win the November contest outright, though thousands of ballots were still being counted. U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler, Georgia’s other Republican (appointed NOT elected) incumbent, will face Democrat Raphael Warnock in a Jan. 5 runoff. (source)
What is a runoff election? It’s, essentially, a do over that’s held when neither candidate meets the win requirements.
In some states, like Georgia and nine others, candidates must get a minimum of 50 percent of the votes. When neither candidate is able to secure a majority, the law mandates that the top two candidates must advance to a runoff. (source)
Moscow Mitch’s fate is in Georgia’s hands now. He MAY yet pay the price for his decision to put his Fascist Party over the needs of the country, his heinous refusal to do his fucking job. Instead of voting on a Plague45 relief package, he had his fellow fascist fuckwits jam through an intensely partisan, inexperienced and not especially bright Supreme Court Justice and then go off on vaca.

Yertle the disease riddled Turtle, incredibly, won his reelection despite 51% of Kentuckians disapproving of his performance. 16.3% of the state’s residents live in poverty. Kentucky is one of the poorest states in the country It's ranked 45 (out of 50) for quality of education and 44 for health care (access, quality and public health).

BUT for every dollar a Kentuckian sends to D.C., they get $2.61 back. Helluva return on investment, no? I guess MM’s winning career plan is to keep his state broke, ignorant, sick and on the dole.

On an up note, I did all my balance PT yesterday, took not one but TWO slightly longer walks and did two sessions on the elliptical. This morning? I’m not feeling even a teensy bit of pain. WOO-fucking-HOO!

Today, to keep from doom and schadenfreude election-scrolling all day, I’ll continue with my camera contents review and purge. I’m so looking forward to the days ahead where the ugly, fecal brained mugs of the Trump Crime Family and Syndicate do NOT pop up in my newsfeed. I wanna read about people doing good works – creating vaccines, helping the less fortunate, discovering water on the moon, painting profundities, writing the next brill novel and all that.

Wouldn’t that be nice?

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