Saturday, November 7, 2020


I have two songs in my head this morning – Blondie’s Call Me and Beck’s Loser.

Yet even those (in 45’s camp) who now believe a Biden victory is a foregone conclusion have struggled with how to break the news to Trump. “They know he’s lost, but no one seems willing to tell King Lear or Mad King George that they’ve lost the empire,” said one Republican in frequent touch with the White House. "(source)

What a pathetic, mentally fucked example of humanity (45 that is).

Biden needs just six more electoral votes to get to the 270 EV (electoral vote) requirement.

In Pennsylvania he’s ahead of Loser Boy by 28,877 individual’s votes (with 99% counted). Pennsylvania gives Smilin’ Joe 20 EVs.

In Georgia, GEORGIA fer fuck’s sake, the not yet declared President-elect is up by 4,020 with 99% counted. That’s good for 16 more EVs.

Biden holds a 22,687 vote lead in Nevada. Granted, 8% of the mail-in votes still need to be tallied BUT it’s profoundly unlikely that prez Dumpster Fire can overcome this lead. Nevada adds six electoral votes.

What’s that spell? Biden’s EV total will be 306 – WE WIN. The only other state still counting is North Carolina. With 99% of the votes totted up, Tantrum Toddler is in the lead. He’ll win 15, bringing his total up to a losing 229.


Individual vote-wise, 4,135,983 MORE people voted for Biden/Harris than the Tangerine Treasonweasel Crime Cartel. What would that total have been without all the racist and sycophantic Fascist Party’s ratfuckery? 

 Just FYI and shit, the electoral college is a racist, wholly undemocratic throwback to a disgusting era

Biden/Harris WILL win – WE will win. If not for this rich, white, male, disast-a-tronic institution, we wouldn’t have had THE most incompetent, mentally ill, scorpion brained asswipe shitting our country into an overflowing port-a-potty for the past four years. Oh yeah and we wouldn’t have had the, now, second worst prez of all time either.

I honestly can’t go through another couple of weeks like this. It was just last Saturday that I had that seizure. I can’t help but wonder if it was sparked, not just by me taking my meds six hours off schedg, but by my fears and stress Re: the upcoming shit-storm.

Yeah, that’s a def possibility.

Meanwhile, Rick the dick Santorum (shame about that last name, ain’t it. I woulda changed it but, ya know, maybe Ricky sees it as an ad for what he’s into, a badge of honor or some such) is advising us togive people time.”  Yeah, the Fuck Your Feelings crowd are having a big sad right now. Considering their maskless, plague inflating tantrums, their dangerous, bullshit Karen-ing (a gender neutral term) and their dipshitted votes against their own well-being AND mine, I’m disinclined to cut them slack.

Rick, the fecal infused lube twit, also thinks we should give the fraudster, the lying sack of santorum in the WH gentle time and space to deal with his loss,.

Yeah dude, tell it to the toddlers in cages. Go see if the 242,261 dead from Plague45 agree with you. Maybe talk that shit to the families of the people murdered by the 45 triggered white supremacist terrorists 

Obvs, I need to chill – spend another day sorting through my pics, exercising and, possibly, sipping some vino whilst watching sci/fi flicks. Yup, that's the ticket!

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