Thursday, December 3, 2020


As always, I’m late to the game.

Last night Jen, Oni, Ten and I finally watched the first ep of the first season of The Mandalorian.

So…yeah, I’m only NOW understanding the reason for all the Baby Yoda memes, toys and, yes, cocktails. I thought they were cute and shit but didn’t get that there was anything more to it than just-in-time-for-Xmas, naked, money grubbing merchandizing.

Nope. There’s a totes adorbs Baby Yoda right there at the end of episode one. Yes, I’m totally in love and want my very own Baby Yoda. Of course, I also want a Blurrg. Seems a lot safer than driving a car, better for the environment AND they’re cute as fuck.

WUT!? They SO are!

side note:  I suggested to Ten that we get rid of the car and get a Blurrg. Surprisingly (no, not really), I got a tremendously firm NO. Why? Blurrg farts are, apparently, methane rich and that’s not good. Hmmph. That got me thinking though – I don’t believe a Blurrg could use aCoco's litter box and I’m NOT keen on shoveling the undoubtedly tall steaming piles of poo either.
BUT WAIT – I betcha Blurrg manure would be an awesome (and exotic!) fertilizer. We could collect and bag the shit and sell it in the local garden shops. This could be a real money maker!

Back to Baby Yoda though – I’m confused. The Mandalorian is set five years AFTER Return of the Jedi, which was when our man Yoda croaked at the glorious old age of 900. So how can this possibly be Yoda? Maybe there’s some awesome reincarnation shit going on?

Nope. I found an excellent explanation at, of all places, Popular Mechanics .

 This isn’t a reborn Yoda but the author does posit that Grogu (or the Child as he’s formally known on the show) could be the love child of Yoda and Yaddle, the Jedi master and high council member from The Phantom Menace. Sure, MAYBE but, Grogu is described as a “foundling” and I just don’t see Daddy Yoda and Mommy Yaddle abandoning their kiddle.

More mundane, relatively speaking, but probably accurate (I know, this is fiction so “accurate” is not exactly the name of the game) is that the Child is just the same species as Yoda and Yaddle – no greater relationship.

As uszh, there’s a great droid – IG-11. Eye-Gee is an assassin droid. He and Din Djarin, the Mandalorian bounty hunter, teamed up, boy-cute (in the midst of a to-the-death fight) to find and, theoretically, kill the target.

Assassin droids are incredibly dangerous. They're walking armories, complete with integrated concussion grenade launchers and flamethrowers.…Although I've always been quite jealous of their acid-proof servo wires.
~ CR-8R, on IG-series assassin droid
Did they succeed? I’m not tellin’!

We won't see episode two until the weekend and I CAN'T WAIT.


  1. Huh. Third hand and even later to the Mandalorian (and baby Yoda meme). Thanks.
    If II ever acquire another television, that’s on my must-see list.

    1. :-) This is what friends are for. I have a teevee but it's only on at Christmas when we have Chinese food and flicks (TRADITION!). All other viewings happen at Jen and Oni's. :-)
