Wednesday, December 2, 2020


A preemptive pardon is a spectacular, screaming neon declaration of mindnumbingly giganto guilt.

Mr. Trump has told others that he is concerned that a Biden Justice Department might seek retribution against the president by targeting the oldest three of his five children — Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump — as well as Ms. Trump’s husband, Jared Kushner, a White House senior adviser. (source)
NOT "retribution." It's called justice, you fecal faced fuckwit!

A few of Junior’s possible (c’mon…LIKELY and/or OBVS) crimes

Donald Trump Jr., as well as his brother Eric and sister Ivanka, were all on the board of the foundation, possibly placing any criminal liability of the foundation on their shoulders. (source)

Jar Jar’s crimes?
1.    Weaponizing Data to Contaminate the Election
2.    Meeting Illicitly With Russian Officials/Surrogates
3.    Meeting With the President of a Sanctioned Bank
4.    Lying on His SF-86 Security Clearance Form
5.    Colluding With Tabloids to Attack Trump Critics
6.    Lobbying for Qatari Blockade
7.    Providing the Saudi Crown Prince With Classified Intelligence
8.     Failure to Warn Jamal Khashoggi of the Plot Against Him
9.     Using Personal Email to Conduct Government Business
Go to the link to get all the detes.

The above list, by the by, covers his known criminality only up to December of 2018. Number 10 with a bullet should be his murderous politicizing of COVID-19. Just FYI, as of this morning, 270,627 Americans are dead, dead, dead due to Jar Jar, his blindingly evil father in law and the utterly complicit, blood-ALL-over-their-hands Renfieldian Republicans.

How about Princess Daughter/Wife, that ostentatious sack of siliconed and bleached narcissism? For starters there’s tax fraud and real estate scamming (yeah, I know that’s not the actual name of the crime that she, Junior and Eric did but…close enough). I’m sure there are other felonies and misdemeanors over which she can breathily scream “I’m being harassed!” Gotta be – she's Don the Con's favorite after all.

What else has Butthead (AKA Eric) done?
He “mislead” the donors to his “foundation” about the financial set up of the annual charity golf tournament. “Misleading” AKA lying – a family specialty. A not small portion of the donated funds went into the Treasonweasel Family Vault. Eric managed to work in some good old fashioned money-laundering for his father the Grifter King, while he was at it.

And then we have Cousin Fucker Ghouliani...
Aside from being a lying sack of melting, rabid squirrel shit and an astoundingly repulsive human being (theoretically human anyway), he’s being investigated for money laundering, wire fraud, campaign finance violations, making false statements, obstruction of justice, and violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA)

I think it's tragically unlikely that any of these weasel fucks will do time. The rich rarely get the punishment they so dearly deserve. What I can hope for is this though:

Junior's virago will dump him once his money train derails, leaving him cold, alone, unwanted and jonesing for his next fix.

Butthead will be publicly mocked. Wherever he goes, crowds of all ages, colors and social positions will circle around him, pointing and laughing.

As for Nepotism Barbie and Ken, I want the stain of their corruption and sins against humanity to follow them everywhere. I want them to relocate to a shack just outside of Buck Snort, Arkansas and, even there, not find any peace or refuge.

As for Giuliani?  He's already a laughing stock, a reviled fool. He's 76 years old and it's clear, to me anyway, that his last few years won't be pretty. I hope they're spent in a sub-standard Western New York nursing home, far from his friends and the glamour of Manhattan.

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