I'm in a nasty mood this morning. Warum? Woke in the middle of the night with more sharp, garbage-ass pain – related to those heinously bullshit, violent coughing fits from Saturday night/Sunday morning.
I'm gonna be fine. This is just muscle ache type soreness. Yes I emailed with my PCP's nurse. No I don't have Plague45. Tylenol and Ibuprofen are my current saviors (along with the stray Hot Toddy). BUT, I'll tell you wut, I'm just about ready to throw out all this human bullshit and become a goddamned Borg or a Murderbot – a cyborg or, better still, a mega pampered house cat.
Happily, while laying in bed at zero dark thirty, waiting
for the Tylenol to fucking well kick in, I had good books to read. I
finished David Wong's Zoey Punches the Future in the Dick.
Nightmarish villains with superhuman enhancements. An all-seeing social network that tracks your every move. Mysterious, smooth-talking power players who lurk behind the scenes. A young woman suddenly in charge of the most decadent city in the world--and her very smelly cat.
Zoey Ashe is like a fish so far out of water that it has achieved orbit. (source)
It was FABULOUS! Doofusy but smart and NO doormat Zoey and her asshole-ish cat Stench Machine are my new heroes. I want another installment of her adventures NOW Mister Wong!
Next I picked up the third book of Martha Wells's Murderbot Diaries series.
SciFis favorite antisocial A.I. is again on a mission. The case against the too-big-to-fail GrayCris Corporation is floundering, and more importantly, authorities are beginning to ask more questions about where Dr. Mensahs SecUnit is.
And Murderbot would rather those questions went away. For good. (source)
Know what these two series have in common besides sci-fi/futuristic awesomeness? The protagonists are blessed with non-mainstream, dark senses of humor and neither are white men in their 30s/40s. Zoey's a chubby, early 20s, dark NON cheerleader-y young woman (baby SISTAH!). Murderbot's age AND gender are unknown. He/she/they just wants to hang with fellow A.I. buds watching their fave media show, Sanctuary Moon.
Yeah, I can SO relate. It's not Wednesday yet (dammit) when Jen, Oni, Ten and I have our midweek "tea" time. This week we'll have Mexican while watching more Mandalorian.
So, I'm up, awake and in fucking pain. Possibly a hot shower and some slow stretching exercises will do some good.
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