Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Nada and More of It

What did I do yesterday? NOTHING! OK, not completely true. I had design work all day which I milked because it was reasonably fun and engaging stuff. Also too I was, quite possibly, avoiding exercise.

I didn’t take my walk, ride the elliptical or perform so much as ONE PT ex. Granted, my physical therapist said it’s OK to take a day off here and there BUT I’m obscenely far behind the recovery curve. That violent-cough inspired pulled muscle is SO not helping matters. DUH!

While I was up at 1AM (see above), debating whether to take Tylenol, Ibuprofen or just shoot up a big-ass load of Smack, I doomscrolled (OF COURSE and see below) but also I succeeded in distracting and inspiring (versus enraging) myself with the weird and wildly engaging cast glass and ceramic sculptures by Christina Bothwell, Jesús Curiá’s fabola and inventive bronze figures, Martin Satí’s brilliant and near psychedelic portraits, a gumdrop/hobbit-like house community on the beach of Hormuz Island in the Persian Gulf and more architecture porn at Dwell Magazine.

The thing that hit me, whilst I was surfing the doom, was this – at least I don’t live in Florida where Gov. Ron DeathSantis, auditioning to be the Orange Magat’s 2024 uber-fascist successor, sics gun brandishing stormtroopers on truth telling, whistleblowing citizens.

Tiny Dick DeSantis has his panties in a twist over former state data scientist, Rebekah Jones. She outed the lying sack of rabid weasel cum after he ordered her to fudge Florida’s insanely out of control Plague45 numbers.

The Governor of the State of Florida, the man who swore to his God he would support and defend the people of his state, that guy, he ordered his own scientists to alter the data. He ordered Jones to lie about the numbers in order to make it appear that his policy of doing nothing was actually working -- when in reality people were getting sick and dying in larger and larger numbers.

Jones refused.

She not only refused, she has kept on reporting the actual, NOT DeSantisized, data. And he sent his armed thugs after her and her family.

Read the full CNN article and Jim Wright’s post for more info.

Massachusetts's "moderate" shitheelian Republi/Fascist Governor is an idiot but Ronnie D? Boyhowdy, he’s one criminally rapacious, death-dealing thundercunt, an utter pendejo And, like his hero the Treasonweasel, DeathSantis was born, simultaneously, on the fourth, eighth and ninth circles of Hell. I worry about my friends and fam who live down there.

By the by, another 2,597 U.S. citizens died yesterday. 98 of them were Floridians.

Meanwhile, back here in Chilly-ass Pain City (AKA Valhalla) I’ll get off my keister today, take a short walk, stretch, do some PT ex and, if I’m not gasping from muscle aches, take a spin on the elliptical. Oh yes I will.

Wish me luck!

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