Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Return

I was ambulanced in to the ER again last night — had another motherfucking seizure. I believe Brewster Ambulance should award me frequent EMT miles or something. Ya know, after the tenth trip I get a free IV and Cthulhu pancakes for brekkie or some such.

Also, Coco’s now so accustomed to these zero dark thirty rescue team visits that she didn’t bother getting up out of her high castle bed for it.

So far I’m in a cubby versus a gurney in a hallway. Yea Team Donna.

Just had one of those highly inaccurate COVID tests and am waiting for more brain scans.

Big fun. By the by, if my plague test comes up positive, they’ll have me take another, better COVID test. Yep, we’re having some fun now mes amis!

Back to regular bloggy goodness tomorrow. I hope.