Saturday, January 16, 2021

Bathrooms and Binbrains

I imagine you’ve read about the absolute insanity of us taxpaying Americans being stuck with a $3,000 monthly bill for Nepotism Barbie and Jar-Jar’s Secret Service’s bathroom.

Why? How?

The Grifter Family of five lives in a 5,000 square foot home, with 6.5 bathrooms, in an ultra posh neighborhood. (Just FYI, yurs truly grew up in small apartments and houses {rarely more than 900 square feet} with just one bathroom for a six person fam.) Can't deal with your protectors using your loo? Section off a 300 square foot corner of your mansion’s basement. EASY!

I get that the Secret Service try to stay on the periphery – not get all cozy with the folks they’re tasked with guarding BUT when ya gotta go, ya gotta go. Also, these people will lay down their lives for you and you can’t let them use the goddamn half bath off the kitchen?!
After resorting to a porta-potty, as well as bathrooms at the nearby home of former president Barack Obama and the not-so-nearby residence of Vice President Pence, the agents finally found a toilet to call their own.

It cost us taxpayers a total of $144,000. Yes that’s, in the grand scheme of things, not so much but, if you're cool with this, I FUCKING WELL NEVER WANT TO HEAR A COMPLAINT ABOUT SAFETY NET PROGRAMS AGAIN! If yur willing to fund a wholly unnecessary and obscenely expensive bathroom so’s Princess Nose Job doesn’t have to have the icky help in her house, you can goddamn well pony up for food, housing and med assistance for your fellow NON Richie Rich Americans.

 Here’s one bit that I find intriguing (about Obama letting Trump's vile spawn's Secret Service use his bathroom):

The Obamas did not use the garage, so the extra traffic to and from the command post caused no problem. Yet this solution, too, was short-lived after a Secret Service supervisor from the Trump/Kushner detail left an unpleasant mess in the Obama bathroom at some point before the fall of 2017, according to a person briefed on the event. That prompted the leaders of the Obama detail to ban the agents up the street from ever returning. (source)

What was this unpleasant mess – it sounds nasty and intentional versus being a too-much-Mexican-food-the-night-before fueled clogged toilet. Why would anyone, and a supervisor no less, be so disgustingly disgusting. The Obamas graciously stepped in to provide what Twatzilla and Boy Blunder would not. WTAF and shit?!

I believe that, between January sixth Trump/Republi/Fascist deadly coup attempt and all her other pretenses and bullshit, the Out-of-Touch Fluff can kiss her political future goodbye.


Some of Trump’s longtime advisers, including Kellyanne Conway, lament that the president has not been able to use these final weeks to burnish his legacy. (source)


Trump's Legacy?

The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
~ George Orwell

“What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening,”
Trump said. (source)

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