Sunday, January 17, 2021

Hit 'em in the wallet!

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I wanted to make a list of companies who continue to support, with their buckos, the 147 shitheelian, dumbfuck plutocrats. Why? I wanna know who to boycott. I don’t have much money and I sure as fuck don’t want it going to companies who fund the authoritarian weaselbrains who pander to racist, idiot dipshits.

What I’ve found, so far, are lists of corporations who I DON’T need to boycott. Rather, I no longer need to cold-shoulder their biz because of who they finance. There surely are other reasons to continue my economic shunning of some but, supporting the 147 traitorous rhino turds ain’t one of them.

(List of companies and corp.s from the CNN Business site)

Companies who HAVE or ARE cutting off donations to the 147 seditious, anti-democracy fuckwadian Republi/Fascists:

  • Airbnb
  • Amazon
  • American Express
  • AT&T
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Comcast
  • Commerce Bank
  • Disney (Grogu is SAFE!)
  • Dow Chemical
  • Marriott
  • Mastercard
  • Verizon
  • Walmart 
Some companies are suspending donations to all politicians, whether or not they voted to kill this country. While, big picture wise, getting corporate cash the fuck outta politics is def necessary, in this instance, it feels like misguided and not-so-effective overkill. e.g., Mom takes teevee privileges away from ALL the kids because she caught Timmy wanking off to the Playboy station. In any case, this group includes:

Other BIG corps who’ve responded to January sixth attempt to steal the wheels off this country, all to impress the sloppy, dimwitted, power mad, incompetent narcissist and his painfully imbecilic cult?

  • CVS
  • Delta
  • ExxonMobil
  • FedEx

Their statements were a ridiculously weak we’ll "review" our contributions in light of recent events. Yeah, I’m not counting on anything positive, let alone boldly supportive of our banjaxed democracy, from these folks.

Two simple things to do to show your disgust and disdain for the 147:

1) Don’t spend your tourist dollars in the states (or the specific districts) of these 147 shitheads. This is pretty easy right now, given the pandemic – as of this morning, there are 395,882 dead Americans. NO ONE should be traveling.
While I have friends and family in Florida, Texas, Arizona and Pennsylvania, the only state I’ll be visiting outside of New England, after it’s safe will be Pennsylvania. I NEED to see Daddy. I just checked and the House Rep for his area was NOT one of the 147.
2) Whenever possible, spend your hard earned dough at independent businesses NOT major, big time chains who MAY well still support seditionist politicos.
A lot of us are shopping online now but we can still buy from small businesses. Fer instance, I generally order my used books through Alibris. When unavailable there, I look to River Run Books and Booksmith. NOT Amazon.

Some major chain shopping is sadly unavoidable. Fer instance, there are NO independently owned pharmacies in my town so I get my myriad ‘scripts filled at CVS.

All I’m saying here is, do a little research before you buy. When at all humanly possible, avoid the joints who are funding the destruction of democracy. Duh.

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