Friday, January 22, 2021

Dreams and Schemes

I dreamt that I was bicycling (on a two-wheeler, not my trike!) from the apartment The Amazing Bob and I had in Brookline over to Hillel’s house in the Jamaica Plain neighborhood of Boston. Coco was wrapped around my neck. Yeah, she managed to hang on as we passed through the massive, scary intersection (five or six roads all meeting and crossing). Good kitten!

On the way I got hopelessly lost (of course) and ended up in some beat to shit neighborhood, lined with dilapidated, soot covered, once gorgeous gothic apartment houses, schools, churches. Actually, even coated in dirt and graffiti, the structures were magnificent. These abandoned, busted up hulls were creepy but awesome. Think Blade Runner street scenes – the ones without all the people.

Throughout, Coco hung on tight and was wildly fascinated. Why am I dreaming of biking through a deserted, dark, 40s era, urban landscape with my cat? Because I’m a cheery as fuck battered shell, rambling through the wreckage of America. Or some deep-ass, poetic shit like that there.

The dream, specifically the cycling, puts an idea, a plan, in mind. I wanna start triking again. I haven’t triked since TAB died and my concentration shattered into a zillion subatomic sized particles. Triking while deaf takes a bunch of serious focus and I was clean out.

Now that I’m on a crazy high daily dose of anti-seizure meds, my balance, walking strength and endurance are utter, stone crap. Yes, I have the recumbent elliptical but triking is more fun. Yes, even in the cold. Though I’ll be limited
in how far I’m able to ride, (by my stupid weakness), I could make it down to the ‘big’ beach (half mile) and back. Woohoo! New views, FUN exercise, recovery progress. SO MUCH win!

Now to get my minders – Jen, Ten and Oni – to go along with this new exercise scheme.


  1. You must have been dreaming since I've never lived in JP. But biking (or triking)? I'm all in favor of that. Really, it wouldn't be that much different from ellipticalling, but you'd be outside feeling the wind in your hair. I say, go do it!
