Saturday, January 23, 2021


I'm approaching the three week mark – I seem to be on a schedule with this shit. It's been three weeks since my last seizure. Will I have another or will my new Keppra dosage keep me safe?

As you probably know, 2020 started with a bang – brain surgery, followed by a ‘welcome home seizure’ which put me back in the joint for a couple days in mid-January. I then had six months of recovery and strength rebuilding. This was not just to regain my old abby-normal state but to get ready for August’s spine slice up (where Doc Coumans managed to excavate not just one, not two meningiomas but a whopping FIVE of those motherfuckers.

Shit was mostly quiet until a month post-surgery when I entered the less than wonderful world of Donna’s Mondo Seizure Big Top.

The fun began on September 27th and has come back, since, on a slightly more often than monthly basis.

October 31’s fun was the first of just two shake-a-thons which had a trigger (missed or late dose). It went down during teevee/tea time. Luckily the teevee show was over so I didn’t miss the hero’s escape and ultra necessary happily-ever-after. PHEW.

November 19th's convulsions required a visit to the ER which was overflowing with COVID patients. I attempted to be a good and patient patient  (REALLY!) amongst the overworked and often frenzied nurses and doc. My success was def mixed. When I knew that Ten was outside waiting for me (NO visitors in the ER) and my discharge paperwork was done, I bailed – barefoot, blanket wrapped around my shoulders. Just FYI, I strongly believe that ALL nurses AND docs should know/fully understand how to communicate with deafies (without having to endure my condescending scold first. win-win, ya know?).

December 10th’s was my last ambulance ride in to the ER. The stay was nice enough. I had my own room/cubby. Nurses seemed busy, sure, but far less harried.

While the Rescue Squad and EMTs came out for my January 5th quake, I was OK to stay home. IF I’d lost consciousness I would’ve been off to MGH during the crazy-ass height of the Trumpublican ignited plague. I was happy to have the squad etc. here to check me out though.

Last night’s Donna-quake? Thanks to my new, handy dandy, Stop-the-Shakin’ meds, I was able to head off a MEGA seizure (it was barrellin' down the bed, right at me), maintain awakeness AND stay en la casa versus MGH. YEA me!

These motherfucking seizures went from being a one off, to once a month, then once every three weeks – we’re now in every-other-week territory. 

Jen and Ten will talk to my team – I’ll email them. Something’s gotta give. If my next surgery can’t be put off until the plague is less rampant, I’ll deal. I’ll be cranky, of course, but…emmm….I don’t expect anyone will actually notice the difference.

"Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it?” ~ Roy Batty

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