Sunday, January 10, 2021


I want a drone camera.
For all intents and purposes, drones equipped with computer vision, face recognition, object recognition and other tracking technologies are flying robots.  Their increasing presence in the environment is enabled by the combination of networking, robotics and artificial intelligence (AI). These advanced AI-capable drones can adapt to their environment and perform many autonomous tasks, like taking a drone-based selfie (also known as a “dronie”) or following an owner and taking pictures or filming while they walk around or travel in a vehicle. (source)
Why? THIS! Check out these utterly adorbs bobcats.

One of the things I've missed most, over these past two years, is being able to see, explore and photograph shit both here in Valhalla and away. The limitations are, of course, in part due to COVID but more it’s because of my Nf2 hurdles – the nasty-ass symptoms brought on by my ever growing tumor collection, three big fat neurosurgeries and the endless recoveries. My mobility has been radically limited.

Having said that, I AM doing better. My balance and strength is improving. I’m exercising, ellipticaling and, on days when the the temps are above freezing, taking short walks.

One reason for the improvement is that I’m consciously moving slower. I’m giving my body a chance to adjust to different positions – laying down to sitting up (pause) sitting to standing (pause) walking and all that. Slowing down ain’t easy for me BUT I REALLY like the steadier, less tippy equilibrium (and not falling – DUH!).

Hopefully, by the time travel is possible again, I’ll be able to stroll on the paths in and around Iceland’s lava fields, maybe check out an ice cave or two AND take pics.

Speaking of...I’m rarely on Instagram but just discovered the awesome Icelandic photographer, Hörður Kristleifsson’s page. He’s also on Shoutyface which is where I found this wild vid. Check it out.

Yes, Ten and I could jump into Bix and take day trips. Massachusetts isn’t Iceland but there’s a ton of beauty here too. What’s stopping me? COVID – there were 7,414 new Plague45 cases, 89 deaths and 2,291hospitalized here, just yesterday. Yes, we could stay in the car, just gaze out the windows at Mount Greylock or the beach down in Truro. My back’s healed enough that I could stand the drive and I’m just itching to get outta the house but can I do it without risking a run-in with plague carrying Trumpists? Maybe. I think with adequate planning (masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and…hell…a big clear plastic bubble), we could do it.

See? This is why I'm pretty damn sure I need a drone camera.

Until then, my BIG excursions are to the seawall and Jen and Oni’s living room.

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