Saturday, January 9, 2021


Today's title translates (from German), best as I can tell, as fears of the future. This is what anyone with half a brain has been experiencing since 2016. That scary future is here. Now.

For more facts, perspective and snark on Wednesday’s 45 fueled insurrection and cop killing, please read Heather Cox Richardson’s Letters From America sub stack page and Shower Cap’s witty report.

I sure as fuck hope the National Guard, at the very least, will be fully prepared and present in D.C. for the next month plus.

Meanwhile, here in Valhalla, I’m diving back into escapism. Hells bells, I’m cannon balling into that sweet, reality dodging state ‘o’ mind.

Currently I’m reading the fifth book (of six) in Martha WellsMurderbot Diaries series.

Who is Murderbot? It’s a self-hacking robot who’s searching for the meaning of life. Murderbot, like a lot of us, just wants to be left alone to chill and watch his media {teevee, movies, etc.}. It has friends, of a sort, but, again – like a lot of us – it’s still learning and coming to terms with what “friendship” is…what it means.

Here are some awesome bits:

Just remember you’re not alone here.” I never know what to say to that. I am actually alone in my head, and that’s where 90 plus percent of my problems are
I’d watched family dramas before, but iI’ never spent much time around human families before coming to Preservation.
(Data suggests family dramas bear a less than 10 percent resemblance to actual human families, which is unsurprising and also a relief, considering all the murders. In the dramas, not Mensah’s {his friend’s} family.)
(If I got angry at myself for being angry I would be angry constantly and I wouldn’t have time to think about anything else.) (Wait, I think I am angry constantly. That might explain a lot.)
Ugh, emotions.

That didn’t make any sense but using logic with traumatized humans never works. (I could make a remark there about logic not working with humans, period, but I’m not going to do that.)
But I couldn’t ignore it. I mean, I guess I couldn’t. Ignoring stuff is always an option, up until it kills you.
I’d hacked my governor {external controller} module and kept doing my job because I didn’t know what else to do (except you know, a murderous rampage, but murderous rampages are overrated and interfere with one’s ability to keep watching media)

Valahallan book reading overlaps A LOT. We’re all in different episodes of the Murderbot Series now, as well as Ann Leckie’s Imperial Radch Trilogy (a ship's AI becomes trapped in a human body – revenge ensues).

Later today, we’ll all engage in an industrial strength real world withdrawal. We’ll snuggle in Jen and Oni’s darkened, cozy, womb-like living room, binge watching Mandalorian whilst snacking and sipping adult bevs. Yeah, FUCK least for today.

One last Trump note – I guess, with Daddy and "friends'" latest blatant, bullshit, self-inflicted-dick-shot sedition, Princess Sparkle Boobs and her brother Nose Candy Skank Boy can kiss their fantasized political futures goodbye. Hope the old fraud leaves them enough to live on. Oh wait, no I don’t. I hope he leaves them nothing but debt and prison time.

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