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Saturday, March 5, 2022

I have questions

Coco—NOT sourdough starter
What is sourdough starter?

a sourdough starter is a symbiotic community of lactic acid bacteria and wild yeast. (source)
Emmm, OK. Why do I need to know this?

I honestly don’t need to know, beyond the fact that Jen needs to “feed” it (so, this shit’s like a cat?) before she can make scones for me (I’m just wild about Jen’s scones!). Gotta say, I’m a bit concerned about this "feeding" business. If sourdough starter needs to take nourishment, like a cat, does this mean it’s sentient, like a cat

Would it like some treats too? Does it need a nap rug? Should I, as a vegetarian, NOT be eating scones? I’m uncomfortable here!

What are ICBMs?
ICBM stands for intercontinental ballistic missile.

Nuclear weapons in the form of warheads are typically delivered by an ICBM—a large missile capable of traveling around 15,000 miles per hour. (source)

Skitter—NOT an ICBM
ICBMs don’t need to be fed, don’t have anything to do with scones and are otherwise inedible…just FYI.

Similarly, spent fuel rods. They're inedible and shit.

When fuel rods in a nuclear reactor are “spent,” or no longer usable, they are removed from the reactor core and replaced with fresh fuel rods. The spent fuel rods are still highly radioactive and continue to generate significant heat for decades. (source)
So then, NOT an ingredient used in making scones. At any rate, Jen doesn’t use them. Who knows—maybe Putin does?
Russia cannot have any interest in contaminating its own territory, he said (Dr. Alex Rosen of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War). He said the danger comes not just from the reactors but from the risk of enemy fire hitting storage facilities that hold spent fuel rods. (source)
You’d think BUT it’s not like Pooty and his buds are rational, forward thinking intellects.

What U.S. brewery
has jumped in to support Ukraine? I’m not a beer drinker but I’d be willing to give this one a try.
The aluminum crowlers cost about $15 each, depending on your choice of beer, and Lakefront will donate $10 from each can to the National Bank of Ukraine’s fund for refugees. With their run of 1,000 labels they’re expecting to raise $10,000. (source)

I bet it’d pair well with scones.

In nuclear war, except evil force no one is winner. Science and humanity become the villain. Everyone knows that but the gamblers want to play their cards. Be aware of the nuclear gamblers.
~ Amit Ray, Nuclear Weapons Free World Peace on the Earth

Every inhabitant of this planet must contemplate the day when this planet may no longer be habitable. Every man, woman and child lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles, hanging by the slenderest of threads, capable of being cut at any moment by accident or miscalculation or by madness. The weapons of war must be abolished before they abolish us.
~ John F. Kennedy

In nuclear war all men are cremated equal.
~ Dexter Gordon


  1. This reminds me of an author I like. Checkout Robin Sloan's quirky books Sourdough and Mr. Penumbra's 24-hour Bookstore.

  2. Thank you! I forgot all about Mr. Penumbra... I read it long ago and had forgotten all about it. Must reread. Sourdough looks good too — haven't read that yet.
