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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Imagine if you will...

...waking up at the ungodly hour of 2:30AM. Why are you awake?


You’re—OK I’m—in the act of rolling over to my left side when, all of a sudden, a wild beast leaps onto my chest. This Stygian creature is jumping up and down but not in an intentionally violent manner—no. This, clearly happy, beastie is bubbling over with sparkling excitement...and affection.

Imagine your face—OK, my face—withstanding an onslaught of insistent nudges from a velvety soft, sort of damp, chilly nose.

Yes, my sweet, elderly, angel kitten had, apparently, been keeping a close eye on me. She was waiting for the moment I’d wake so she could hit me up for treats.

It’s hard to get terribly annoyed with Coco when she a) was kind enough to wait for me to open my eyes before jumping me and b) didn’t get all whiny/naggy when I attempted to ignore her. Nope, she just stood there, on my chest, patiently looking forward to her well deserved chicken/salmon tidbits.

Yes, I do in fact keep a small sealed container of treats on the bed. Why? It’s easier, more immediate than getting up and trundling down to the kitchen (I’m not yet recovered enough for safe, spotter-free, ultra early AM trundles). Plus, with treats close at hand, I can get right back to the important business of rolling over and returning to Dreamland.

I’ve got priorities and shit!


  1. Love this kitty doodle! My Zoe arrives at 2:00am to knead my chest. Eventually she gently slides her bottom into my left armpit by wiggling until she gets comfy. She purrs loudly while resting her cheek next to my cheek. I enjoy the affection but it can get toasty.

    1. Thank you. Apart from the 2AM business, Zoe sounds perfect :-)
