I took a calm-me-down pill before my very first proton session on Wednesday. I figured I oughta do it again yesterday, day two, just to be safe. I did. What I’d neglected to do was note that the pills were 1MG NOT .5MG.
OOF! After yesterday’s protoning I was a rag doll on smack. I was so out of it that I had to take a nap. This means that I slept clean through my PT appointment. Which translates as me not getting in another big walk. Since last Saturday I’ve been walking 900+ steps per pay (that's five days in a row!) with a triumphant peak of 1,147 steps on Wednesday.

This is, all in all, NOT an enormous dealio. I suppose that I’m mostly embarrassed that I was asleep when Judy got here. I was unable to proudly show off how well I’m doing with walking and breathing (versus gulping air like a beached blue whale).
To make up for yesterday’s little bunglement, this morning, instead of being wheeled around the hospital, I’m gonna rollator. Yes, this’ll involve, possibly, WAY more steps than I’ve been taking BUT the Drive has a seat so’s I can take breaks.
I’ll get proton-ed AND exercised during the same outing. Très cool, no?
One positive result, of being too tired to walk yesterday, I finally finished my tax prep. That’ll get to the math wizards by Monday (last minute much, Donna?) and I can cross another annoyance off my list.
Next up, passport renewal. I’m beginning to fantasize about travel again—Nunavut, Iceland, Berlin!
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