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Friday, January 13, 2023

Ducking the News

Sleeping Beauty
A good way to avoid the relentlessly depressing news—dive into the wonderful, online realm of pet and other beastie pics and clips.

Mostly I find myself watching a lot of cats (no surprise there) but yesterday I got to see two camels doing the beast with two (humped) backs in the fast lane (of course) of some desert highway. They, the amorous camels, seemed to be attempting discretion (as much as was possible, I suppose) and were a little surprised at the four wheeled company.

Also, I watched a man and his pet duck who like to run foot races. There was another man who races his cat. The cat, naturally, always wins. Then there was the cat who took good care of his separation anxiety afflicted dog roomie. Poor pooch was a nervous wreck when his humans left for work each day. The orange tabby stepped up, hugging, comforting and supporting him all day.

AWWWWWWWWW! Cats never get credit for how sympathetic and affectionate they are. That ain't fair.
Nobody likes a pedant, a ‘well actually-er’ and we've all known, worked with or otherwise had the misfortune of socializing with one. Mind you, I've been a superhero of nit-pickery in my time. I'm now a reformed pedant, an ex-quibbler. No... REALLY!

Here are some colorful non-English equivalent terms/phrases for a person who lives to pick nits. I found them on the bird app (showing me that the place hasn’t fully become a fetid sewer of MAGAt psychopaths. Close but not quite yet. There’s still some fun stuff…for now):

i-Tüp­ferl-Rei­ter    Rider of the little dot on the ‘i’

Flueknepper          Fly Fucker

Pedant's Revolt

Muggenzifter         Mosquito Sifter
Mierenneuker        Ant Fucker
Taalnazi                 Language Nazi

Mulla noghati        Dot Master
(a teacher who's obsessed with putting all the dots in the right place instead of paying attention to what is written)

Pilkunnussija.        Comma Fucker


Enculer les mouches   Sodomizer of Flies

Erbsenzähler            Counter of Peas
Grammatiknazi         Grammar Nazi
Klugscheißer            Smart Shitter
Korinthenkacker       Currant Crapper
Paragraphenreite      Paragraph Rder

Fanno i piedini alle mosche   Those who draw feet on flies

Flisespikker           Whittler of wood chips

Tüpflischisser        Little Dot Shitter

Spanish, Colombia
Cuadernícola          Notebook Caveman

It's hard to pick a favorite out of all these beauties but I'm awful partial to the French, Italian and Finnish. 

That's all from me today. I intend to spend this day, Friday the 13th, ellipticalling and doing laps of the house. It's rainy and windy here in Valhalla so seawall walkies will need to wait until tomorrow.

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