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Sunday, April 30, 2023

Mishy Mashy

New bullshit term: Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly. AKA Your ultra expensive rocket that took years of concentrated work and bucks to build, just exploded.
Just FYI:
An Interrobang is a punctuation mark (
) indicating a question expressed in an exclamatory way, a combination of ? and !

An interrobang is useful in any reply you might have to something Maggot Trailer Greene or her little buddy Boobert might say. Fer instance, a common response to their utterance might be:
Do you actually believe the blithering shit you’re spewing or do you think you’re just doing a bang up job of grifting the rubes
I do believe that a proper interrobang should look like Space Karen’s Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly rocket though.
I saw this sentiment online yesterday:
If I was really, really ridiculously wealthy I wouldn’t buy a mansion, just tiny apartments in every city I love.
Sure that sounds romantic and cool and dreamy and shit BUT the reality would be pretty annoying.

The problem with this—me, on arrival at new apartment, standing around wondering:
  • Did I leave my good scissors in Berlin or Reykjavik?
  • Is my purple Buddha t-shirt here or in Portree?
  • Will the Ekoplaza Foodmarqt in Amsterdam have Cake’s favorite food?
  • Can I easily get to Restaurante Shanghái in Siena—I have a sushi and tempura craving. Do they deliver?

No amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that’s going to happen.
~ Alan Watts

And yet, it exists. The miasma of soupy agitata and fear covers me like an itchy wool blanket.

Why…yes, I do have a two hour MRI scheduled for tomorrow. Granted, it’s a open MRI so I’ll feel slightly less stratospherically claustrophobic (yea). Perhaps the TWO hour MRI marathon jitters are keeping my results edginess at bay. Will I need immediate brain surgery? Spine too maybe? I’ll find out on Thursday.

In an effort to calm my bean and get some sleep, I had to take not one but TWO gummies before I could drift off to La La Land last night. Today it’s too stormy out to walk so I’ll need to elliptical off the rest of this tension…and have another gummy.
Few nations have been so poor as to have but one god. Gods were made so easily, and the raw material cost so little, that generally the god market was fairly glutted and heaven crammed with these phantoms.
~ Robert Green Ingersoll 

The more gods/goddesses the better. It’s a fuckton more democratic and that’s just for starters.

My own personal god/goddess is Bast(et). Bastet was, amongst other things, the goddess of protection against contagious diseases and evil spirits. In this time of COVID (YES, it’s still with us), gun whackos and MAGAts, the least I can do is build an altar and lay daily tribute treats at her feet.

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