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Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Lost in the High Crankies

I’ve been doing really well—for the past few weeks. No doomscrolling (okay, okay...not a LOT of it anyway), I’ve been getting out every morning for a dawn walk and, later in the day, doing 20 (even 25 once!) minutes on the elliptical. I mean, this is fab—right? You bet your sweet ass it is!

I hit a wall though. This morning I woke at 4:30 and just could NOT. I texted Jen two words—no and nope. I felt okay. I could’ve tossed the covers, slipped into my sneaks, pulled on a sweater and zipped out with Jen for a focused rehab stroll. Did I? Fuck no.

What did I do? Yes, I doomscrolled while experiencing guilt waves for laying abed, passing on my morning balance and weight-bearing exercise.

I learned that Greg Abbottoir vetoed a bipartisan bill that would have expanded vote-by-mail access for folks with disabilities. I only mention it but the governor of Texas is paralyzed from the waist down—he needs a wheelchair to get around. But, hey, he’s rich and powerfully positioned—he’ll never have trouble casting his vote. Like the rest of his party of hate, he’s all set. Why should he give a fuck about anyone else? 

 Governor Cruella also approved a law that will eliminate mandated water breaks for construction workers. Ya know what the high temp is gonna be in Austin today? 103º. It’ll hit 115º in Laredo. San Angelo will 112º. But, oh yeah babies, no water for you folks doing physical labor out in that hellscape!

Elsewhere, it’s come out that Supreme Court On-the-Take Justice Sam Alito clearly does not want to be seen as less mindbogglingly corrupt than his buddy Justice Pubic Hair. Alito’s been accepting ultra lux vacations from a Republican megadonor who has routinely had biz before the court.

I totally do NOT need to start my day with these hypocritical, asinine purveyors of barbarity.

I’ll go out for a walk later this morning. I’ll hop on the elliptical. Maybe even get in some focused stretching and balance work. NO MORE NEWS for me today.


  1. Skip the news and, if you must stay in bed, watch dog and cat videos on Facebook. Then look at your favorite painters and photographers online. Then eat lunch.
