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Monday, July 31, 2023

Monday in Fallandia

Yesterday would have been a brilliant day. The heat broke, I got in a nice morning walk, Oni planned on grilling (and he did), the sun was shining and the bay was beautiful—but then I fell. Alright the day was still stunning BUT I fell.

How? I was standing at the dresser, getting fresh clothes after my shower, when I turned too quickly and toppled. There was no bone breakage and I was able, with Ten’s help, to get back up. My left foot is still sore this morning (so, no walkies for yours klutz-truly this bright, finally cool morning). Not good, not good. There’s rehab work that MUST be done today.

I ain't got time to bleed! Okay, there was no actual blood. Yes, yez, I’m being all melodramatic and shit. Nevermind.

I only mention it but this unplanned fall was scary. I’m out of practice with surprise crash landings—it’s been about a year since my last failure to stay upright. Not bad, I guess, but I really don't want a repeat tumble anytime soon (“soon” defined as “within this lifetime”).
Had a dream that I was moving to Pittsburgh. Why? There’s no ocean in Pittsburgh! Yes, they have galleries and museums, a ballet company, a symphony orchestra, a few decent colleges and the landscape outside the city is wonderful.

It’s not a bad place but why would I leave the water?
For some unknown reason the word skulduggery came to mind this morning.

underhanded or unscrupulous behavior

Apparently this wasn’t the prevailing definition until the mid-19th century. According to the Online Etymology Dictionary it came to mean this in 1856, to be all precise and shit. How can they nail that down so tightly?

Before 1856?

…apparently an alteration of Scottish sculdudrie "adultery" (1713), via sculduddery "bawdry, obscenity, grossness, unchastity" (source)
Caught in the act—Cake helping me make the bed.
For the Cheeto crime family and friends, skulduggery is more common than breathing.
Did you hear? Leprosy is making a comeback.
Rising evidence is pointing to the possibility that leprosy has become endemic in the southeastern U.S. with Florida being named among the top reported states.
The report concludes that a growing body of evidence suggests central Florida may represent an endemic location for leprosy and recommends that physicians consider leprosy in the appropriate clinical context in patients who have traveled to the area, even in the absence of other risk factors. (source)
Yet another reason to avoid Florida.
Leprosy is transmitted via droplets, from the nose and mouth, during close and frequent contact with untreated cases. (source)
And another good reason to keep masking.

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