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Sunday, August 6, 2023

Opinions and Other Random Bits

The planet Jupiter has 95 moons. 95!!! Io is the third largest of Jupiter’s collection and is a bit bigger than Earth’s single celestial body. Io is the most volcanically active world in the Solar System, with hundreds of volcanoes, some erupting lava fountains dozens of miles (or kilometers) high.

How cool is this? WAY! Could there be life there? If so, it’d have to be made of some intensely strong, resilient shit, eh?
Most, okay ALL, country music sucks. Mind you, I’ve been deaf for the last 18 years but an epic musical evolution would've had to have gone down during that time for me to feel any different. This is the only music genre where I can find NOT ONE song worth hearing.

While I respect Willie, Dolly, Johnny Cash and The Chicks as righteous humans, I was never inclined to buy their albums.
Twitter (now X—how utterly uninspired) is a cesspool of morons and ads. Yes, I still check in there on occasion (because there are still a couple folks whose posts I don’t see on Post or Spoutible). Know what I spend most of my formerly-Twitter time doing? Blocking ads and assholes. How do I justify this waste of time? When I see (and then block) the weasel brains, I think “there, I’ve seen an asswipian right winger's opinion. I’m not living in a bubble.”

Having said that, living in a bubble is self care.
Jason Momoa is mega easy on the eyes—just flat-out gorgeous—but you knew that. The odds of us meeting and hooking up are way fucking south of zero. Even if we met, I would have to turn down the opportunity to make the beast with two backs. Why?  At 6’4” or 5” and 214 pounds of solid muscle, I’m intimidated. Yes TAB was 6’3” or 4” and in wonderful shape. He was not a muscle mountain though. Also, at 44, Jason’s 20 years younger than me. Fer fuck’s sake, I’m old enough to be his mother! //ewww//

I’d rather view Mr. Momoa as I would a fine sculpture. Some people are museum quality art—no touchy the art, just enjoy the view.
Liquid soap is a scam to sell MORE liquid soap. A bar of soap (at a buck or so per) can last a couple months or longer. A 20 ounce bottle of liquid shower soap (at around seven bucks per) lasts a few weeks. The liquid stuff leaves a residue that takes an inordinate amount of water to rinse off. Also, there’s no real way to strictly limit the amount that comes out of those planet polluting plastic containers either.

Why have I been using it? Remember those years (2020-2022) when I spent too damn much time in hospital and rehab facilities? They had the liquid which, given my fragile and newly disabled state, was easier than bar soap. Now that I’m more able, stable and less of a fall risk, it’s time to switch back. Less waste (of both water and soap), less money down the shower drain, fewer polluting plastic bottles in the ocean and less time spent trying to wash off soap scum.

What conclusions have I come to after today’s mind wanderings?

  • I’d like to visit Io. Maybe in my next life when I’m Wonder Woman. I’ll just zip on over there in my transparent jet for a nice tour.
  • Blocking is self care.
  • I can admire a person but not love their art—the two are not inextricably linked.
  • Just because someone is blindingly stunning doesn’t mean I want to bang. Yeah, not even if they’re personality is every bit as beautiful.
  • I think it’s time to do some online soap shopping. Maybe I’ll start at LUSH?

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