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Wednesday, September 27, 2023


THIS is how it's done!

" President Joe Biden grabbed a bullhorn on the picket line Tuesday and urged striking auto workers to “stick with it” in an unparalleled show of support for organized labor by a modern president.

Donning a union ballcap and exchanging fist bumps, Biden told United Auto Workers strikers that “you deserve the significant raise you need”

“No deal, no wheels!” workers chanted as Biden arrived at a General Motors parts distribution warehouse, one of several facilities that has been targeted in a widening strike now in its 12th day. “No pay, no parts!”  

Despite concerns that a prolonged strike could undermine the economy, particularly in the crucial battleground state of Michigan, the Democratic president encouraged workers to keep fighting for better wages at a time when car companies have seen rising profits.
" (source)


" The White House announced Mr Biden’s visit to the UAW workers last week, soon after Mr Trump announced he would skip the 27 September Republican presidential debate in California to visit Detroit, the heart of US vehicle manufacturing.
Mr Biden was invited to visit the UAW members by the group’s president, Shawn Fain, who has sometimes been critical of Mr Trump.

In his Truth Social post, Mr Trump - who has not been invited by the UAW - vowed that car workers are “toast” if they do not endorse him and if he does not win the election.
" (source

He's threatening the workers and their union. Somehow—and I could be mistaken but, ya know, doubt it—I don't think this'll be a winning strategy.


Referring to the currently out on bail fraudster/grifter/sex offender UAW President Shawn Fain told CNN:

" "I don't think the man has any bit of care about what our workers stand for, what the working class stands for."

"He serves the billionaire class and that's what's wrong with this country," Fain added.
Trump is scheduled to give a prime-time speech Wednesday instead of attending the second Republican primary debate.
" (source)

Cheeto will do anything to avoid getting on stage with his challengers. He knows, on some deep down level, that he's incapable of making any sort of coherent argument or defense. The golf cart riding, shouting, bloated tray of grease soaked cheap burgers and fries can't even keep his Bush brothers straight. He thinks we’re headed into World War II and that he beat Obama, not Clinton, in 2016. The former guy’s not exactly connected to reality.


" Former President Donald Trump said he was traveling to Detroit to rally with striking autoworkers, but the location he settled on for his Wednesday event is a nonunion parts supplier whose workers aren’t at all involved with the strike.

...Shawn Fain pointed that out after President Joe Biden’s stop at a picket line in Belleville, Michigan, on Tuesday.

I find it odd he’s going to go to a nonunion business to talk to union workers,” Fain told reporters after Biden’s stop. “I don’t think he gets it, but that’s up to people to decide.” 
" (source)

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