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Monday, April 1, 2024

This and That

Today is March 32nd. Oh yes it is. Fer realies and shit.

I’ve canceled April first, i.e., April Fools Day across the globe. YES indeed. It is well within my scope/power/abilities to do so and I have. Why? Have you looked at this past year?

  • Putins war against Ukraine continues with the entire Republi/Fascist party aiding and abetting him. Frankly, the party should just change their name to the Party of Putin.
  • Netanyahu, the man who promised, above everything else, to deliver security for Israel’s citizens, presided over the darkest day in his country’s existence. A total breakdown of the Israeli military and intelligence structure allowed Hamas to breach Israel’s border and embark on a rampage of murder, kidnapping, and rape, killing more than 1,100 Israelis and taking more than 250 hostage. (source)
  • So far this year, 983 people have died by gun. 94 of those dead humans went in mass shootings; 9 in mass murders. 7,023 people were injured. AND IT’S ONLY APRIL! We are just 92 days into 2024!

I think we’re pretty much full up on fools, idiots and power-mad, manipulative fucks for the foreseeable future. We don’t need more nasty, brain dead and twisted attention whores stuffing their pockets with our tax buckos.

So…yeah—life is enough of a joke without adding in stupid April Fools Day pranks.
I follow author John Scalzi on Threads. Dude is, unsurprisingly, wicked creative and witty. Also, a feminist.

Not every man suffers from DiCaprio’s Syndrome, no. Also, the older a man gets, the more “I prefer younger women” sounds like “Women my age know too much about the world and themselves to tolerate my bullshit.”
~ John Scalzi
The world has known about DiCaprio’s dating preferences for a very, very long time — namely, that he appears interested almost exclusively in young models, and that he doesn’t date women past the age of 25. (source)
Just curious—Leo’s almost 50 years old. What does he talk about with his 19 and 20 year old dates? The latest ep of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend? Billie Eilish's last album? The deep, spiritual meaning of Kung Fu Panda 4? I find it impossible to take men seriously when they're only able to get it up for women half their age or younger.

From now on, any man who routinely dates women who are young enough to be their offspring, are considered to have DiCaprio’s Syndrome.
I always get these three confused

This is a mental health condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others.  (source)
Even though it’s commonly (though incorrectly) used to describe someone who has a mental health condition, “psychopath” is not an official diagnosis. Instead, it’s an informal term often used for a condition called antisocial personality disorder (ASPD).  (source)
Psychotic disorders are a group of serious illnesses that affect the mind. They make it hard for someone to think clearly, make good judgments, respond emotionally, communicate effectively, understand reality, and behave appropriately. (source)
Psychotic disorders can include schizophrenia, delusional disorder and schizoaffective disorder. Symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, disorganized or incoherent speech and more. 

I believe it’s fair to figure that Cheato and much of the Republican Party fall into one (all?) of these groups. 

Speaking of...Kim Gargoyle, at 55 years of age, is eight years and a couple months older than Bolivian-Marching-Powder Boy Jr. She’s a year and a couple months older than her future mother-in-law (that is, IF Melanoma sticks around. If it’s Habba Dabba Do, Kim’s 15 years older).

In TrumpWorld, women are a disposable commodity. If you look anywhere close to your age, you’re gone, baby, gone. No wonder Kimmy's’s so insecure and has gone WAY overboard on the plastic surgery and makeup.

I only mention it but Jennifer Aniston, Angela Bassett, Salma Hayek, Gillian Anderson, Gong Li, Halle Berry, Parker Posey, Helena Bonham Carter and a host of others are 55 or more. While, I imagine, they’ve all had “work” done too (their ability to work depends on looking youthful), none of them seem as sadly desperate as Kim. By the by, Linda Hamilton (AKA Sarah Connor) is two years older than me and doesn't appear to have had had any plastics or fillers. She doesn't look 25 BUT she fabulous AND still working.

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