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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Aliens, Deadbeats and Bully-boy Planets

I saw an ad for a new Alien movie—Alien: Romulus. It’s maybe just me but I thought the little xenomorphs were cute. This was just a commercial, maybe 30 seconds long and there were a bunch of jump cuts. Still, it was enough to get me rooting for the adorbs aliens. What?! They were little. Puppies came to mind—okay, really angry puppies. You’d be pissed off too if some kids (none of the humans looked older than 22) invaded your home. Wouldn’t you? I mean, C'MON!

Possibly I'm just over-identifying with the Orca Resistance. Also, Ripley doesn't seem to be in this one so I'm cheering for the facehuggers.
Demento von Fuckface’s plane (an outdated, 33 year old Boeing 757) had to land early (in Billings versus Bozeman, Montana) due to a supposed hydraulic leak on his elderly 757.

I only mention it but he’s owed the town of Billings $58,830 since 2016. That ain't pocket change.

Question: can Montana officials impound his plane, strip it for parts and sell them off to pay his bill? It's just been "refurbished" so they ought to be able to get a few spondulix for all the 24-karat gold plated lights, seat buckles, handles, latches and knobs.

Other places stiffed by Deadbeat Don:

  1. El Paso, Texas  $569,204.63
  2. Tucson, Arizona (exact amount not found)
  3. Mesa, Arizona $64,467
  4. Albuquerque, New Mexico $200,000
  5. Spokane, Washington $65,124
  6. Eau Claire, Wisconsin $47,398.43
  7. Erie, Pennsylvania $35,129
  8. Lebanon, Ohio $16,191
  9. Green Bay, Wisconsin $33,300
  10. Minneapolis, Minnesota $530,000
  11. St. George, South Carolina $26,000

In another example of his idiocy and lies:

Donald Trump’s campaign has said some of its internal communications have been hacked and suggested it was targeted by Iranian operatives.
The campaign did not give any further details or any evidence linking the document leak to Iranian hackers or the Iranian government.  

Microsoft’s Threat Analysis Center (MTAC) said that the campaign was sent a spear phishing email – a message designed to look trustworthy in order to get the target to click on a malicious link.

FFS, I’m a zillion years old and most definitely NOT tech or internet savvy but I know enough to be suspicious and not click on links in weird emails. Did some dimbulbed staffer fall for a scam? Did the old man, oopsie, inadvertently give/sell Iran embarrassing evidence of his incompetence instead of actual intel?

The hacked docs included, supposedly, "internal research" on J. Dolphin-Porn Bowman/Hamel/Vance. This, naturally, leads me to wonder what other crazy-ass shit we're about to find out about the man who has carnal relations with couches and hates childless cat women (such as myself).
Have you heard of the Jupiter Shield theory? It suggests that the biggest planet in the solar system acts as a bulwark in space, batting comets, asteroids and other space crap away from Earth. Kevin Grazier, a planetary physicist, believes that Jupiter is doing exactly the opposite.

Our simulation suggests that instead of shielding the terrestrial planets, Jupiter was, in fact, taking "pot shots".  (source)
All I can say about this is that, while Jupiter isn’t right or principled in flinging shit at us, I do totally get it. I understand. Maybe this is the planetary equivalent of the Orca Resistance?


  1. Sigourney Weaver (Ripley) hasn't been in any of the Alien movies since Resurrection. That's one reason, though not the only one, why they've been crap since then. The first couple of movies were really terrifying and Resurrection was at least satisfyingly weird. AvP and the prequels turned the concept into a joke and it's been downhill from there.

    I'm amazed a deadbeat like Trump dared go to a place called "Billings".

    The Romans recognized Jupiter as king of the gods. Since the fall of Rome we have turned away from the true faith, and Jupiter in his wrath is casting stones at our world from the heavens. Our only hope is to return to the true worship before it is too late.

    1. I'm REALLY behind on my Alien watching! I didn't even know there were prequels. I think I'll take a pass on them as well as this new one.

      With Trump unable to do his little, boring, low attendance rallies in places where he owes big money, would it be fair to say that hard ass accountants may be helping to save democracy?

      Earth is really screwed if Mars and the rest of those planetary gods join in on hurling shit at us :-)

    2. I'm hoping Mars will at least destroy Elon Musk for all his idiotic talk about colonizing it.

    3. Mars would never have to buy his own drinks again after doing Earth such a favor.
