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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Sinking of the Trumptanic

I understand that Dimwit Donnie had a rough time at his little rally yesterday afternoon. Not only was the small auditorium (capacity 2,431) only about 80% full (and how many of that 80% was staff or paid attendees?), he dished up his usual word salad of lies, empty promises and inanities.

He promised economic growth so abundant that “we will pay off all our debt,” similar to a pledge he made in 2016 before the national debt ballooned during his presidency.
During a section of his speech on energy, he slipped in an apparent dig at Hunter Biden, the president’s son, and his “laptop from hell.”
The lying sack of weasel shit also claimed that he was the one capped insulin at $35 a month.
“Kamala and Joe tried to take credit for $35 insulin. You know that? You know who did that? I did that. I did that.” (source)
Sure buddy…

Fact check: This is a ridiculous, naked lie. Trump did not cap insulin costs, President Biden did this through the Inflation Reduction Act. Trump’s Project 2025 would repeal the cap and raise costs for millions.

Check out this CNN fact check post for more. (CNN doing actual journalism? Unusual and unexpected but true!)

And there's new cringe-worthy shit from the Tangerine Terror's running mate, J. Dolphin-Porn Vance. You remember him, right?  He's the couch fucking shillbilly who wants to be one greasy-hamberder-with-cheese-heart-attack away from the presidency.
He agreed, in an interview with some rando right-wing podcaster, that the whole purpose of the postmenopausal female” is to help raise grandchildrenDoes this reek of incel or what?


The host also said that grandparents helping to raise children is a “weird, unadvertised feature of marrying an Indian woman,” and Vance again agreed, recounting how his mother-in-law, a biology professor in California, took a sabbatical from her job to help look after his newborn son.

“Painfully economically inefficient,” Vance said, making a larger point of what he saw as a societal problem. “Why didn’t she just keep her job, give us part of the wages to pay somebody else to do it, right? Because that is the thing that the hyper-liberalized economics wants you to do.” (source

So, Couch-fucker Bowman/Hamel/Vance thinks his mother-in-law should have paid a grandchild tax? Instead of spending time with her new grandchildren (and helping out her postpartum daughter), she should have forked over her paycheck to pay for…what…a stranger to come in and watch the newborn and mother? 

Remember,  this is also the miserable dude who blamed "childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made" for making everyone in this country miserable. No you fucking fuck—you, DonOld the Liar and the democracy assassinating Heritage Foundation are the filthy fuckers behind that shit!

The man is just 99 kinds of weird and should not be allowed out amongst civilized humans.

I believe we've reached the MAGAt event horizon. These women-hating, dipshitian, despicable motherfuckers can't be allowed anywhere near the levers of power.

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