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Friday, September 6, 2024

Blueberry Randomness

I just ate a handful of dark chocolate covered blueberries. YUM! That counts as my fruit for the day…right? Right?!

When I was in high school in the early ‘70s, bomb scares, not AR-15 toting killers, were the thing. Every few months all us students would be evacuated to the student parking lot while the bomb squad went through the school.

They never found anything.

These “scares” weren’t scary—maybe it was, but just that first time. I always figured the call was made by pranksters or a fellow student looking to get out of class for an hour or two.

IF bombs had been found, IF a bomb had ever exploded, I expect I would have taken these more seriously. Instead, I kind of enjoyed the break—the time spent staying warm in an acquaintance’s ‘67 Mustang or reading in the grass or just people watching was cool. Relaxing even. It beat the hell out of being inside the building, being bullied by students and teachers alike.

Years ago, I went to my father’s 50th high school class reunion with him. He’d gone to an all boys prep school. During the group picture event, I noticed a woman amongst the reunion attendees. Afterwards, I asked Daddy about her—why was she there when the photographer had said former students only. He explained that his friend had been a boy back in the early ‘50s—she had been a he. I loved how matter of fact, how casual he was in telling me this.

And now I have Lou Reed’s Walk on the Wild Side and The Kinks’ Lola playing in my head.
He’s bragged about being a genius but has never shown evidence of that. Quite the opposite. He threatened to sue any and all institutions who dared to release his transcripts. By the by, that's not exactly the actions I would expect from a proud, real and true genius.

Von Shitzenpantz’s intelligence, mental fitness and sanity have always been an issue. In 2018 White House officials were concerned that Cheato had learning disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the early stages of dementia.
In an interview with the Mail on Sunday, Michael Wolff, the author of Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, described Mr Trump as a "rich wastrel" who was "bad at school”. (source)
He told the paper: 

"They discuss it at the White House: his apparent inability to read one page or one paragraph. He can't even follow a PowerPoint.

"They wonder where that is from. ADHD? A learning disability? They thought maybe the guy couldn't read or is semi-literate.” (source)
Trump is 78 years old and visibly deteriorating daily. His body may still be alive on November fifth but his mind, whatever small, corrupt and drug addled one he might have ever had, has clearly left the building.

A vote for anyone but Harris (or just not voting at all) is a vote for that clueless, out of touch couch fucker, J.D. Weirdo Vance. Can this country survive another hate spewing, misogynistic, corrupt, socially incompetent, broken brained president?

Our leaders are stupid. Our politicians are stupid.
~ Donald Trump

Who says Cheato’s not self-aware?

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