Saturday, September 14, 2024

Concept of a Blog Post

I actually slept pretty well last night. No body wracking coughing fits and my sinuses weren’t stopped up tighter than Constantinople. I took a couple of COVID tests which came up clear. YEA me!

The sojourn in Sleepy-bye Land was fab except for the last dream of the night where Daddy and I were  driving somewhere in a forested area—he was at the wheel. Somehow we ended up rocketing down an old rickety pier, plunging off the end into a lake. I managed to escape the sinking car—Daddy did not. I kept diving down to rescue him out but was foiled by the murky, churning water. I was horrified and felt tremendously guilty that I'd failed to reach him.

I went home to find BOTH Mother and Daddy sitting at the dining room table.
He was sitting right there, silent and still though. What the ghostly fuck?!

I tried to tell Mother about the accident, that I was unable to save the old man but Lucy wasn’t listening to me (typical). She got up and walked away without uttering a single word, without any acknowledgement. It was as though I didn’t exist. Almost like real life.

This was NOT a fun dream.
In other horror shows, it looks like the orange painted, philandering geezerly grifter has found “love” again. Laura Loomer, the plasticized QAnon whack-a-loon is 31 years old—just one year older than his much ignored second daughter. The creepy codger? 78. The age difference would be nauseating if not for the fact that they’re so exceptionally well matched. That is, they both have the emotional maturity of a colicky two year old and the intellectual capabilities of a Chow Chow missing its frontal lobe.

 They’re ridiculous—completely laughable.

Remember the movie Moonstruck? I’m paraphrasing Rose here: “Why do men chase younger women? They fear death.” Whereas young women chase old men to obtain social connections and financial ease. Yes, yez, yezzzzz, not all…

Lunatic and Demento—a love story for the ages.
Am I claustrophobic or cleithrophobic?

Cleithrophobia is the fear of being trapped, locked in, unable to escape. It relates to situations. Claustrophobia relates to space.

A claustrophobic person may feel trapped or locked in, even if they are free to leave. A cleithrophobic person, on the other hand, can handle tight spaces but will panic if confined or locked in, even if the location is spacious. (source)
Claustrophobia triggers include:

  • Locked rooms
  • MRIs
  • Crowded elevators

I avoid evenly moderately crowded elevators. Having the walker helps though. I take up more room—my larger personal space is harder to breach. Now I have that Police song stuck in my head.

  • Windowless rooms
  • Tunnels

Back when I worked in Boston proper, I’d regularly come down with the GET ME OUTTA HERE heebie jeebies in the O'Neill Tunnel during the rush hour commutes. Lots of deep breathing exercises were necessary.

  • Airplanes

They feel like large, crowded MRI tubes.

I’m claustrophobic with a sprinkling of cleithrophobia.

On a related note, I’m up for two, maybe three MRIs in a couple of weeks. These will be the “open” variety which are significantly less of a struggle to get through.

Do I know how to have fun or WHAT?!

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