Sunday, September 15, 2024

Semana Loca

On Libby, the library app, one of the featured categories is Political Thrillers.

Yeah…no. At this point in the twisting, crazy race to November 5th’s election, I really, truly don’t need to read fictional tales of political intrigue. Isn’t this fucked up reality more than enough? It surely is for me.

I mean, FFS, this past week alone has been absolute nuts.

1) Cheato and the Couchfucker are now taking their talking points from an Ohio chapter of neo-Nazis.

Blood Tribe, a national neo-Nazi group, was among the early purveyors of the rumor in August, posting about it on Gab and Telegram, social networks popular with extremists.  (source)

Vance (and now Desperate DonOLD) are putting lives in serious danger with these obscene lies. Despite the cat and dog eating lie being completely debunked (by the local police no less), EX president Asshole is still fucking that chicken.

"They're eating the dogs, the people that came in, they're eating the cats," Trump said during an answer to a question about immigration. "They're eating the pets of the people that live there, and this is what's happening in our country, and it's a shame.” (source)
Von ShitzenPantz is apparently having an affair with a wickedly racist and otherwise mentally banjaxed QAnon freak. Laura Lunatic has put out that 9/11 was “an inside job.” Mr. Makeup, naturally, took this trash pile to this year’s memorial ceremony. Why? Because he's in LURV and has zilcho empathy. His perception of the world and his self-awareness are no more than reflections in a cheap-ass funhouse mirror.
Because of her bigoted comments, she’s been banned on various occasions from a wide variety of platforms, financial services, and transportation companies, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, PayPal, Venmo, GoFundMe, Lyft and Uber. Loomer’s status as persona non grata with the last two companies arose out of her demand that she be served by non-Muslim drivers. (source)
Loomer is an unhinged, pinheaded, radically bigoted whacko. OF COURSE, Fuckface von Shit-for-Brains is doin’ her. The lunatic is, probably, just one boob job and blonde dye job away from being wife number four.

The stupidest Trump kid, I think his name is Beavis but it could be Butthead—I always get those two confused, is lying about gas prices (and implying that Biden/Harris are to blame) again.

I know the competition for Stupidest Trump Spawn is fierce but Beavis (or Butthead?) honestly goes above and beyond for the gold medal in idiocy.

4) Kamala easily humiliated the Old Orange Warthog in the big debate simply by letting him speak. One of Cheato’s little “christian” preacher fans has now declared that Harris is a witch.  Dunno if Witchfinder General Lance Wallnau understands that he’s effectively increased voter turnout—just not in the direction he’d intended.

5) Oh and old Mushroom Winkle STILL thinks Kamala’s lying about having worked at a McDonald’s during her student days. Yeah Tiny Schwanz, teenage employment history is, like, SO relevant when you’re running for president. They’ve got serious amounts of nothing, NADA, NICHTS, NIENTE and they’re embarrassing themselves mightily. Who’s running this campaign—a squid from Alpa Centauri in a human suit? The squid would do a better job.

So yeah, I’m not gonna check any political thrillers out of the library. Real life is scary, perverted and vicious enough without David Baldacci and Hilary Mantel’s contributions.