Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Doomscrolling Relief

I’m doomscrolling. Not good, not good. Yes, it's because I’m between books AGAIN. I’ve half a dozen potentially perfect books (for my current story consumption needs) on hold at the library. My luck? They’ll all become available at the same time.

What to read until the book tsunami? Something to do with witches or dragons might be nice—after all, we’re entering the spooky season.

Problem though—it seems that every book (fiction) about witches is, at heart, a romance novel. There’s now a whole section, on my Libby library app, devoted to witch fiction. I thought I’d read some of the blurbs, the summaries—MAYBE they weren’t all bodice ripping, breath stealing, meet cutes. I stopped scanning the section after four or five disappointments.

Dragon fiction? Seems like it’s mostly juvenile or young adult Tolkienesque epic fantasies. Not my bag. Where are the dragon tales written for adults? How about a story with Richard Osman’s dry wit and 70 year old main human characters? What about something from Scalzi? Oh wait… I could reread The Kaiju Preservation Society.
When COVID-19 sweeps through New York City, Jamie Gray is stuck as a dead-end driver for food delivery apps. That is, until Jamie makes a delivery to an old acquaintance, Tom, who works at what he calls "an animal rights organization." Tom's team needs a last-minute grunt to handle things on their next field visit. Jamie, eager to do anything, immediately signs on.

What Tom doesn't tell Jamie is that the animals his team cares for are not here on Earth. Not our Earth, at least. In an alternate dimension, massive dinosaur-like creatures named Kaiju roam a warm and human-free world. They're the universe's largest and most dangerous panda and they're in trouble.
YES, perfect! I’ll have to buy the book (which I can do) versus borrow from the library though. There’s a 23 week wait for it at the Boston Public Library and my local library doesn’t list it at all.

Amongst my doomscrolling, I found some good news.

Tweedledee and Tweedledum are now facing criminal charges, filed by a Haitian nonprofit, for spreading whoppers and sparking their violent goons in Springfield, Ohio. T&T’s insane lies about immigrants “eating pets” unsurprisingly led to bomb threats—schools were shut down, an annual community festival was cancelled and more. Cheato and Couchfuck KNEW the story was a lie—they histrionically spread this racist pool of venom anyway. The felonious fuck KNEW what his cult would do because he’s pulled this steaming, rabid crocodile vomit before.
The affidavit, filed in Clark County Municipal Court by immigration-focused nonprofit the Haitian Bridge Alliance, Guerline Jozef, and her attorney Subodh Chandra, says Trump and Vance were told “[a]t every turn,” whether by the Springfield city manager, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R), “fact-checkers, press, officials,” and locals that the pet-eating claims were “baseless,” and yet they “orchestrated a campaign of lies” and “spread a false narrative that Haitians in Springfield are a danger.”
“The Haitian Bridge Alliance and Ms. Jozef respectfully request that this Court make independent findings of probable cause based on the facts presented—and issue warrant for Trump’s and Vance’s arrest,” the filing said.
I’m thrilled to bits that something is being done, even if it doesn’t end with these soulless bastards behind bars. At least it holds the venomous frauds vile actions up to the light of day. MAYBE more of the Ohio’s citizens will now think clearly and seriously before casting their votes for officials who are supposed to be representing and protecting them versus putting them in the path of racists with murder hard ons.

 Also, maybe a few of the folks who were planning to vote for the terror igniting duo will reconsider.

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