Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Smooth Brains

In case you were curious about Lauren Boebert’s criminal son. You remember Tyler, right? He’s the idiot who, at the age of 17, knocked up his 15 year old girlfriend. Apparently, like a lot of poorly educated, badly brought up kids, he failed to understand basic life realities. For example: condoms—if you don't put on a fucking rainhat, you risk disease and unwanted parenthood.

Later, Son of Stupid engaged in a little crime spree—breaking into cars and, amongst other things, stealing credit cards, driver’s licenses and passports. He also made sex tapes with a minor teen girl (not the mother of his child). He's now facing multiple felony charges (HEY, just like a certain, shit-for-brains former president!) and 15 misdemeanor and petty offenses. How was this mastermind caught?

The officer reviewed footage at a gas station and recognized Tyler Boebert from previous interactions, who was wearing a hoodie adorned with branding from his mother’s former restaurant, Shooters Grill. He was accompanied by three other people in the video. (source

Real smart kid there—doesn’t understand the need for condoms and wears clothing, post sloppy crime spree, that screams out his identity. Are idiocy and criminality genetic? Is it learned? How about 'both?' Given Tyler’s parentage, the young moron was destined to become a dimbulbed felonious fuck. He's obvs following the examples his parent’s set for him. Both Lauren and Jayson have criminal records. Tyler’s DNA is saturated in idiocy.

There’s, unsurprisingly, very little movement in the prosecution of this well connected, white son of a now wealthy, white MAGAt House Rep. The kid’s, so far, gotten great breaks from the judge.

Beetlejuice Boebert...
…revealed her son had planned to attend the University of Florida after graduating high school but with a baby on the way would instead take petroleum engineering classes at a local community college. (source)

In that same article, she said she’s “tired of the separation of church and state.” She’s claimed, amidst all her and her family’s crime-ing, to be a “devout christian.” Pardon my barking guffaw, please.

Does the stupidest little House Rep believe that if her church and supposed deeply held religious beliefs were the law of the land, all would be well in the US of A? Has she seen herself or her own family recently? Doesn’t matter—she doesn’t actually believe any of the god shit she spews. She seems to believe that everyone in Colorado is as mentally challenged as herself. 

Which brings me to brain damage and religion. While I don’t think all religions or religious groups are necessarily brain damaged frauds, fundamentalism seems to amount to exactly that.

A new study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that specific networks in the brain, when damaged, may influence the likelihood of developing religious fundamentalism. By analyzing patients with focal brain lesions, researchers found that damage to a particular network of brain regions—mainly in the right hemisphere—was associated with higher levels of fundamentalist beliefs.
The researchers found that damage to certain areas of the brain, particularly in the right hemisphere, was associated with higher scores on the religious fundamentalism scale. Specifically, lesions affecting the right superior orbital frontal cortex, right middle frontal gyrus, right inferior parietal lobe, and the left cerebellum were linked to increased religious fundamentalism.
And, waddya know, science backs me up.

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