Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Jalapeños and Darth

My sinuses are completely, utterly, top to bottom fucked today. Last night too. Yeah, me and sleep did not commune in any kind of a deep, meaningful or peaceful way. 

What to do?

  • Drink MORE water.
  • Sit in a steamy, tropically warm shower.
  • Cover my face in hot, damp washcloths.
  • Rinse the fuck outta my nasal passages. (WHERE is my goddamn neti pot!)
  • Put another pillow or two under my head, neck and upper back when I try to sleep. Don’t lay flat on the bed.
  • Stay away from cold carrying humans. (this won't be difficult. Between my resurgent misanthropy, introversion and ongoing COVID people avoidance, I'm already, basically, a hermit.)

This wasn’t on the list but I believe that consuming jalapeño poppers and a nice, spicy vindaloo would also be beneficial.

In other news, I'm sure you've heard that James Earl Jones has died. None of the tributes I've read (so far) have mentioned his fabulous appearances on Sesame Street. 'the fuck? 

Hollywood Reporter editor, Mike Barnes, tweeted that:

For fun, he would break out his ‘Star Wars’ villain voice on his CB radio while driving cross-country. “The truck drivers would really freak out — for them, it was Darth Vader. I had to stop doing that,” he said.
The man had an amazing, powerful presence AND a great sense of humor. 

Jones was 93. Imagine all the history, all the wild years he witnessed and experienced!

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