Monday, September 9, 2024

Word for the Day

lacking intelligence : stupid 

I feel like "gormless" is a word that deserves wider usage, as in, "Christ, JD Vance is a gormless cretin."
~ Rude Pundit
I only mention it but Republicans are nothing but Borg drones.

On Face the Nation yesterday:
Margaret Brennan: Trump just finished a press conference, three quarters of which was about grievances about his past conviction for sexual assault. What is the message to female voters?

Nikki Haley: I think the focus, for me, is about policy. (WHAT??!!)
Margaret Brennan: You don't think he's a good candidate? 

Nikki Haley: I think he is the Republican nominee, and I think, put him against Kamala Harris, who's the Democrat nominee. For me, it's not a question….I have always said, look, if I thought Biden or Trump were great candidates, I wouldn't have run for president. I ran because I thought I could do a better job. (source)

She has called him unfit for office and said that military families can’t trust him. And yet she’s "strongly" endorsed him. She seems to have forgotten that she’s a member of the party that actively hates women. We’re just bangmaids and disposable breeding machines to them…including her. Funny she hasn't noticed this.

Nikki Haley has no soul and her spine is completely MIA. Nikki Haley is a gormless Borg drone.

Did I mention this already?

In mid-August, a woman in Tempe, Arizona clocked into work at 7am. It was Friday. She DIED at her cubicle desk that day. No one discovered her corpse until late afternoon the following Tuesday. You wanna know how/why the company finally found their worker bee’s dead body? Other employees were complaining of a foul odor.

She was dead at her desk for almost five full days.

Wow. Imagine, no one at work or in your personal life notices your absence for close to five full days. Imagine, the only reason you’re found is because your rotting corpse is smelling up the joint.

Like most folks, my social circle has shrunk as I’ve gotten older.
As adults, we tend to become more selective about the types of relationships we pursue. Unlike in childhood, where friendships often form based on proximity and shared goals or activities, adults typically seek deeper connections built on common interests, values, and life experiences. Older adults are found to be much more selective, citing priorities such as trust as being influential in who they choose to befriend. (source)
So, 60 year old Denise may not have had a close circle of friends but what about work friends/acquaintances? I mean, fer fucks sake (or should that be fer fuck’s sake?). None of her co-workers take breaks to get fresh coffee (and see if anyone else wants one)? Floyd from accounting doesn’t take breathers from number crunching to shoot the shit? Candy from HR just distributes paperwork and policy updates via company intranet now? Denise's goddamn supervisor didn’t need to check in with her about anything?

When I croak, I’m going out with a brass band heralding my exit. There’s gonna be a full set of timpani marking my last breaths with a mega enthusiastic drumroll. This'll be followed by a regiment of crashing cymbals. I’m gonna make some serious noise when I go. I will not be discovered soley due to cadaver reek.

No word yet (rather, none that I’ve found) on Denise’s cause of death but foul play has been, pretty much, ruled out.

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