Thursday, October 3, 2024


 On Tuesday I had my MRI follow-up appointment with Doc Plotkin. All in all, at the mo, I’m stable. Yea. No need for more neurosurgeries…right now. Double plus YEA!

I asked the good doc why my recovery from this past May’s bean surgery is going so slowly. WHY am I still so fatigued and moving like molasses in January?

Three things:

  • Me and this old bod have been through a fuck ton of hell over the past five years. Three (count ‘em, folks) THREE ops to reduce the size of tumors in my brain and TWO for my spine. That shit’ll def knock a few deep dents in your resilience.
  • I’m not so young anymore. I’d snap back more easily if I was a fresh, young babe of 40 or 50. I’m not.
  • Trump. Yes, Plotkin blames Shitzenpants and he’s NOT wrong. Fer realies, that fucker, his woman-hating, weirdo running mate and the idiot MAGA cult are so goddamn exhausting.

An idiom comes to mind:
     I’ll have your guts for garters.  

‘the fuck does this even mean and where does it come from?

To threaten to ‘have someone’s guts for garters’ is to state the intention to do them serious harm.

... ‘to have someone’s guts for garters’ originated in Tudor England.
At that time disembowelment was used as a form of torture and execution. The punishment of ‘hanged, drawn and quartered‘ was on the statue book in England until as late as 1790…
Although the threat wasn’t a real one it at least would have made sense then as garters were then worn by men as a way of holding up their stockings, a.k.a. hose. (source)

I only mention it but, considering Dim Donny’s considerable girth, his guts would surpass a giraffe’s garter length needs.

By the by, that 'hanged, drawn and quartered’ business? This was a a form of execution used in England from the 13th century until 1790. It was what you got for committing high treason. 

High treason included: 

  • attempting to off the king
  • making the beast with two backs with the king’s wife OR his eldest daughter OR with the wife of the heir to the throne
  • plotting and/or trying on a coup
  • giving aid, comfort and classified docs to the enemy well as other assorted, critical faux pas. Such as being a Catholic priest.

The victims were first hung by the neck but taken from the scaffold while still alive. The entrails and genitals are then removed (drawn), the head cut off and the torso hacked into four quarters.  (source)

How incredibly thorough.

Honestly? Though guilty as fuck of trying to overturn democracy and make himself king, selling and/or just showing off classified docs and giving freebies to the bad guys, money laundering, multiple rapes, etc., I wouldn’t wish this punishment on Cheato. Well, if meting out his punishment was within my personal purview, I’d need to think about it a little more. I’d PROBABLY opt for something less messy. The cleaning staff really don’t need the headache plus, really good hazmat suits aren’t cheap. 

Yeah, who knew? I seem to have a heart and a budget.

Related, I’m hoping Jack Smith’s report gets a lot of airplay. Perhaps, with the NYT editorial board’s shredding of Mango Mussolini, there’s a chance?

Here's a link to Smith’s entire court filing. Go read.

The document provides insight into some of the salacious details collected by prosecutors as they’ve built their case against Trump, including that the former president sidelined his 2020 campaign legal team that November in favor of Rudy Giuliani on the basis that the since-disbarred attorney was willing to lie about the election results.

At one point, Smith details how a Trump campaign employee was informed that a final batch of ballots at a Detroit vote-counting center would favor Joe Biden. “Find a reason it isn’t,” the staffer said. “Give me options to file litigation.”

When a colleague warned doing so could spark unrest, the staffer replied, “Make them riot.”  (source)

Back to Plotkin’s assessment—YES, I wholly agree. The astoundingly weird Trump Crime Syndicate’s constant lies and other crimes against the planet ARE wearing me the fuck out. 

32 days left 'til the election. VOTE—all of our our lives depend on it.


  1. The last 3 years - before we entered the 2024 election "season" - were such a necessary relief for me. I was exhausted all the time from anxiety about what harm rump & his treasonous cohort were up to, culminating in hte violence on Jan 6.
    Though i have followed the legal tribulations of rump & the co-conspirators, the quiet competence of the Biden administration means I barely had to think about the president. I WANT a boring, competent president. I *always* want that.
    Anyway, that constant anxiety isn't good for anyone.

    1. EXACTLY—his shit’s dragging everyone down. I’ve gotta give more consideration to this hanging, drawing and quartering business.
