Thursday, November 14, 2024


This is Walter (at right). He’s Oni’s brother Kevin’s boy. They’ve both come to live with us here in Valhalla. This is good. Walter is still a bit shy but Jen and I feel that, with the application of treats (and more of them), we can coax him out of his shell.

So far, Skitter (at left), who’s MOST def not a people person, is fine with her new roomies.
Maybe this is just me but, whenever I visit Facebook, I rarely see posts from actual friends or acquaintances. What do I see? Random recommended pages, ads, suggestions of people to follow, and the like. I see posts from half a dozen friends but that’s about it. My first thought was that all these pals left the site or no longer regularly check in and post. I checked the home pages of a few—yes, they’re still posting but, no, they don’t appear in my feed. They haven’t “unfriended” me (or should that be “defriended”) so where have their their posts gone?

This is why I’m not on Facebook as often anymore. It's the annoying surfeit of ads and recommended pages—I spend more time blocking bullshit than interacting with actual friends.
My current read?
Murder Your Employer: The McMasters Guide to Homicide by Rupert Holmes
Who hasn’t wondered for a split second what the world would be like if a person who is the object of your affliction ceased to exist? But then you’ve probably never heard of The McMasters Conservatory, dedicated to the consummate execution of the homicidal arts. To gain admission, a student must have an ethical reason for erasing someone who deeply deserves a fate no worse (nor better) than death. The campus of this “Poison Ivy League” college—its location unknown to even those who study there—is where you might find yourself the practice target of a classmate…and where one’s mandatory graduation thesis is getting away with the perfect murder of someone whose death will make the world a much better place to live. (source)
I believe we could use a few of the school’s graduates about now.

Ermmm, I’ll say no more.
In May Space Karen said there would be people living in a city on Mars within 30 years. So, 2054 at the latest, eh? But in 2020 he said humans would land on mars by 2026. It’s close to the end of 2024 and he still hasn’t landed so much as an unmanned rocket on the red planet.

Somehow, I don’t think he’s gonna make either of his predictions—not 2026 OR 2054.

Like his daddy figure, trump, he promises greatness and delivers cheap-ass broken toys...IF he delivers at all.
In my head this morning.
More insane trump picks:

What’s next? Sloppy drunk-on-the-job Jeanine Pirro for the Supreme Court? Three time GED failure Boebert for education secretary? Soulless Oligarch Bezos will head up the Small Business Administration?

As Jeff Tiedrich notes:

for the second day in a row, America was introduced to a whole new cast of toadies, lackies, dipshits, ass-kissers, incompetents, ideologues, and low-wattage empty suits whose current jobs are to look good on Fox News. (source)
Elect a clown, you get a circus.

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