Wednesday, November 13, 2024

We're Riding in a Clown Car of Crazies

Kristi Noem will be Trump’s secretary of Homeland Security? RILLY? WTF?!?!?! This is the puppy murderer, right? She shot Cricket and left him in a gravel pit. She shot her family’s pet goat too. Bast only knows how many other family pets she’s offed.

She’s lied about meeting North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Noem claimed she’d “stared him down.” When caught out she said that she, like totally, could have intimidated the fuck outta the murderous, nuclear-armed dictator. Howzat? Because she used to look after “little tyrants” as a children’s pastor. (BTW, “christian” children’s pastors are rather well known for abusing their charges—google it. Pedophilia isn’t just for Catholics—it never was.)

Noem claimed to have canceled a meeting with French President Emanuel Macron. She didn’t. She never HAD an appointment with him nor had she been invited for so much as a cup of tea.

“While in Paris, I was slated to meet with French president Emmanuel Macron,” Noem wrote. “However, the day before we were to meet, he made what I considered a very pro-Hamas and anti-Israel comment to the press. So I decided to cancel.” (source)

Nope, this was just another product of her fevered imagination. Also, WHY would the president of France want to meet with the governor of a state whose entire population is less than half the size of his capital city? I mean, fer fuck’s sake, she’s a nobody, a nonentity even in her own state. ALL nine of South Dakota’s Native American tribes have banned her. Instead of apologizing for her lies about them she doubled down, claiming tribal leaders were profiting off of Mexican drug cartels.

Girl went OFF about the “war zone at the border.” What borders South Dakota? North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Minnesota, Iowa, and Nebraska. Not Mexico, not Canada.

She’s a power-mad, ridiculously incompetent doofus. A pathetic clown.

I only mention it BUT her promise to deport US born children of undocumented parents violates the 14th Amendment.
Section 1.
 All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
I read that the Orange idiot has chosen Jesus humper Mike Huckabee to be the ambassador to Israel. Brilliant choice, eh? Who better to bring about Armageddon than an inept christofascist pillock? FYI guys, the rapture’s a fairy tale. You can try to force your god’s hand but I think you’ll be disappointed. Also, probably dead.

I’m guessing that all the Palestine protest voters will be pleased with themselves when they see Donnie Dipshit and Bibi finish off the Gaza Strip. 

Marco Rubio, who’s usually busy tweeting absurd bible verses, is expected to be the next Secretary of State. Looks like Trump/Rubio will be giving Putin Ukraine as an Xmas gift.

Prick Scott, best known for monstro Medicare fraud, is hoping to be the next Senate Republican Leader

Rick Scott was in New York yesterday skipping votes, kissing up to Trump, and reminding everyone that he oversaw the the largest Medicare fraud in history.

Mike Luckovich

Scott mistakenly thought no one would remember how he “took responsibility” for his company defrauding Medicare recipients and military families out of millions. (source)

Extreme toady, Elise Stefanik, will be the ambassador to the United Nations.
Stefanik’s sole contribution to foreign affairs recently has been her extremely vocal defense of Israel as it continues its onslaught against Gaza. Beyond that, her diplomatic skills might be a little atrophied. (source)
"her diplomatic skills might be a little atrophied?" Yeah, that’s putting it mildly to say the very least. Hand-job Barbie and Marge Greene are the only choices that would have been worse.

Unsurprisingly I now have R.E.M.’s song, It’s the End of the World as We Know It (and I feel fine), stuck in my head.


  1. Love the Carlin post. This one is much, much better....
