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Friday, January 24, 2025

Weaponized Laughter

Where to get news and intelligent opinion pieces in this age where formerly fair and reliable sources, like the Washington Post, have raced to prostrate themselves at the feet of the insane criminal who would be king?

Teen Vogue, Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair. Yes, mags for teens, fashion mavens, and music lovers are now more honest and direct than news outlets. There’s also this site that I recently found—Breaking News USA. It’s an aggregator and directory of news and information sources, maintained by Oliver Willis.
As author, wise-mensch, self-touted depressive humorist and former priest Nathan Monk says, we can’t kumbaya our way out of this situation. This situation? The fascist filth of trump, the bent knee of so many previously trusted public servants (I’m looking at you Fetterman), the sadistic barbarities of Project 2025, the balls out Nazism (hello Leon, you disgustingly over-privileged, zombie-faced, worthless pool of warped sentience).

Nope. What to do? Our elected officials—senators, governors, mayors, House reps—need to find and bolster their spines. They need to fight for the people who gave them their jobs AND they need to be creative and crafty about it too. 3D chess and the gymnastic planning skills of the Leverage team are needed.  

What can we do? Pressure and pester our congresscritters with phone calls and letters, go to demonstrations, boycott businesses owned by trump funders and cheerleaders, be a real, true ally to marginalized people (which involves MORE than just saying you're one in your facebook or bluesky profile) AND maintaining our respective senses of humor.  We gotta mock the fuck outta the imbeciles! Showcase the foolishness of these fools.

We need to publicly humiliate the turkey necked, Botoxed,
Fourth Reichers—they humiliate themselves daily but let’s constantly remind them (and everyone around us) every damn day that they ARE absolutely absurd embarrassments to humanity.

It is possible to seriously consider Captain Crazypants’s threats (is he serious about invading Greenland and annexing Canada or just throwing out ideas to see what’ll fly) and jeer, deride and taunt the fuck out of this stack of used up, diarrhea soaked, makeup covered, necrotic flesh.
Did you know? Stormy Daniels is doing comedy now. Not a stretch—she’s proved to be quite witty. Horribly, she’s been shadowbanned.
For those unfamiliar with shadowbanning, it refers to the practice of social media companies (or, potentially, entities that may influence them — it’s largely unknown) either algorithmically or manually hiding or taking down creators’ posts without telling them, making it difficult for them to connect with their friends and fans, and making it harder to promote events and businesses. (source)
So much for free speech in America, home of the “free.”
From Lenny Bruce to Kathy Griffin, comedy becomes the testing rod of how close we’ve come to losing our rights to free speech in the face of political crackdowns as a fascist dictatorship begins to rise. (source)


I only mention it but Apartheid Clyde’s got a personality like a haunted, overflowing outhouse…in summer.

Someone online suggested that the best response to Elon Musk’s “Roman Salute,” is a Glasgow kiss.

WHAT is a Glasgow kiss?
A sharp, sudden headbutt to the nose, usually resulting in a broken nose.

Others on the post chimed in with additional splendid suggestions to Nazi Boy’s unambiguous obscene despicable Nazi salute.

He should also get a:

Chelsea smile
a wound caused by making a cut from the corners of a victim's mouth up to the ears, leaving a scar in the shape of a smile.

Or a Colombian Necktie
a form of execution or post-mortem mutilation in which the victim's tongue is pulled through a deep cut beneath the jaw and left dangling on the neck. (EWWWWWWWWWW!)

Possibly he should experience a little New Jersey Diplomacy.

Maybe a Shawinigan Handshake?
This is a chokehold as done by Jean Chrétien, (then-Prime Minister of Canada), on a protester. Shawinigan, Quebec is Chrétien’s birthplace.

Or a Byker Teacake.
To headbutt someone in an aggressive way with malicious intent. 

Life is all about balance. If we’re gonna make it through the next four years of horror, we’ve got to fight back with laughter, derision and mockery.

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