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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Fun with Weather

Yesterday, here in our wee patch of heaven-on-the-sea, wind speeds got up in excess of 65 mph. One of our tall trees was blown over. Well, half of it anyway. We’ll need to get a tree service in to take down the rest of it.

I’m horribly sad over our tree’s demise. In warm weather I would sit in my Adirondack chair on our porch, just staring up into the leaves and branches for hours. This is the tree that a family of raccoons adopted as their safe space (with a view) last year.

 Aside from that, damage-wise, we were quite lucky. While Ralph (our tree—YES, trees get names too) did strike our nearly brand new MINI a glancing blow, it mostly fell between the car and Jen and Oni’s house. So far, it looks like Godzilla (YES, our car has a name!) is drivable with just a big ass dent on the right rear wheel panel (plus a bunch of scratches where the branches tore into the paint job). Hopefully our insurance will pay for repairs. Jen and Oni’s house? The outer pane of one of their larger windows shattered and the electric meter was obliterated.

That’s it. Coulda been way worse. A nine foot tall bronze statue up in Fitchburg toppled off its high pedestal. Just imagine being under that as it plummeted earthward.

Ten, Kevin, Skitter, Walter, Cake, and I were all home and inside so, apart from a good scare, we’re fine. Jen and Oni were at work.

What’s kind of funny (funny-odd or funny-thought inspiring) is that Ten had cancelled my physical therapy session due to the intense winds. It would not have been safe for me and my fall-risk, wonk-ass balance to walk around in that gale. IF we’d kept the appointment, we’d have just been getting home and out of the car when Ralph came crashing down.

Lucky—we were tremendously lucky.

I’m lucky. Jen is taking care of house repairs and insurance crap. Ten is on the car repairs and insurance. Oni is cutting off all the stray branches before Ten takes a chainsaw to the long, loooooong trunk.

Me? I don’t have to do anything beyond researching what sort of tree we can plant in place of Ralph. Blue spruce? River birch? Northern red oak? Canadian poplar? Yes, I get the fun job!

Something fast growing and tall would be nice.

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