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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Measles Fun

Thanks to the anti-vax brainworm bozo, I need to go get a measles vaccine. He’s done the absolute bare minimum to address the surge in measles cases by saying the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine should be “readily accessible for all those who want them.

In the op-ed, published on March 2, Kennedy wrote that while the “decision to vaccinate is a personal one,” vaccines “not only protect individual children from measles but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons.” On Monday, Kennedy issued an official statement on the outbreak. “This situation has escalated rapidly, with the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) reporting 146 confirmed cases since late January 2025, primarily in the South Plains region,” Kennedy wrote. “Tragically, this outbreak has claimed the life of a school-aged child, the first measles-related fatality in the United States in over a decade.” (source)
Gee, thanks you ego-mad, disingenuous, heroin addicted, roadkill eating fuck. You’re well over 20 years late to the game and NOT pushing real, actual, thoroughly tested science enough. It’s totally unsurprising though. Don’t forget, Bobby Brainworm helped inflate the Samoan measles outbreak where 83 children died. He defensively claimed, “I had nothing to do with people not vaccinating in Samoa.”

Sure Bob.

Kennedy repeatedly refused to acknowledge scientific consensus that childhood vaccines don’t cause autism and that COVID-19 vaccines saved millions of lives, and he falsely asserted the government has no good vaccine safety monitoring. While appearing to ignore mainstream science, he cited flawed or tangential research to make his points, such as suggesting Black people may need different vaccines than whites. (source
It’s been suggested that adults, like yurs truly, born after 1957 and vaccinated before 1968 get at least one shot of the, usually two dose, vaccine. Exceptions? Folks who have a weakened immune system due to disease (such as cancer or HIV/AIDS) or medical treatments (such as radiation, immunotherapy, steroids, or chemotherapy). 

Don’t ya know, I’m currently on chemo meds (to halt and, hopefully, reduce the growth of my myriad tumors). I had proton radiation a couple years ago (to limit and/or reduce the size of the monster on my thoracic spine). AND, periodically, the good docs have me on steroids.

Does this mean that I can’t get the vaccine? I’ll need to check in with my neurologist.

The first measles vaccine licensed for public use didn’t come out until 1963. I think I had the virus before then when I was a tiny tot but I forget. Both my parents are gone so I can’t ask them.

Measles spread by breathing air contaminated by an infected person or touching an infected surface. The virus can linger in the air for several hours after an infected person coughs or sneezes. (source)
Great. If I’m unable to get the vaccine due to everything else that’s wrong with me, I’m fucked. Well, not if I avoid people and wear a mask and gloves if I do risk going out. Being housebound is just SO much fun!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Epic Backfiring

Times Square
How dunderheadedly dimwitted do you have to be, particularly after Friday’s White House Asshole Fest, to take a vacation in Bernie Sanders’ backyard?

On Saturday Captain Eyeliner took his wife and “her kids” on another getaway thus hitting a new low for clueless motherfuckers everywhere. While his boss, President Musk, dismantles all the agencies charged with protecting U.S. citizens from natural and unnatural disasters (disingenuously, in the name of eliminating fraud and waste) Couchfuck Boy goes on a ski weekend, costing U.S. taxpayers millions of buckos.
While Vance, who admitted Friday he has never been to Ukraine, fled to an undisclosed location to evade protesters, some commentators noted that Zelenskyy, who stayed in Ukraine during Russia’s invasion, was returning to a Kyiv still under attack.

The protest followed a contentious confrontation in the Oval Office, where the US president told the Ukrainian leader to make a deal with Russia “or we’re out”. 

For baby Bast’s sake, the cosplaying tough-guy twins bullshit performance has been protested from Boston and New York to LA. Anyone with half a brain would know enough to lay low after such a heinously evil performance. It looks like that’s too much to expect from this administration.

Vance and family JUST got back from a tour of churches in Europe. He took a break from his OH-so-busy sightseeing schedule to give an utterly tone deaf, condescending speech devoid of an
understanding of history or even a whisper of self awareness.

HOW did this hate-filled, banjaxed brain goon get into Yale? (NOT to diss goons in general, by the way)

This motherfucker hasn’t done a lick of work in his first month and a half as VP and he’s already on his second vaca? On the taxpayer’s dime? Vance, mes amis, is a solid welfare queen.
Over a thousand Vermonters lined both sides of Route 100 in Waitsfield, Vermont, Saturday morning protesting Vice President JD Vance, who was visiting nearby Sugarbush Resort this weekend with his family. (source)
Protesters were also out in front of the resort itself AND by a lift where Vance was rumored to be skiing.
Among the Waitsfield protesters was former Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman, who carried a handmade sign that read “efficiency, sure, but not carnage, hate and lies.” Zuckerman said the current administration’s stated goal of efficiency has negatively affected farmers’ loan programs and people’s health care and food access. (source)
International blowback is already happening and will increase—deservedly so. European leaders are rallying behind Zelenskyy, as well they should. Boycotts of U.S. goods are already happening in Canada, Mexico, Scotland, Denmark and the rest of Europe. NO one likes a bully.
Fox News reported that Vance was forced to flee to an undisclosed location after protesters met him at the ski resort, “ More protesters met the Vance family outside of the resort, and the family ultimately had to move to an undisclosed location.”
Vermont Public radio and television spoke to some of the protesters who made it clear that yesterday’s ambush of Zelenskyy at the White House added to their numbers.
I'm curious—was Couchfuck unaware that Idaho and Utah (both ultra red, Mango Mussolini supporting states) have ski resorts? Did he choose Vermont because he wanted to flaunt his flagrant assholery in a very blue state? Was this a dick power move or is he so thick that he didn't anticipate consequences? I'm voting for the latter.

We are a pariah (and we deserve to be) because of these micro schwanzed, stupefyingly warped and inept, social incompetents. 

A new era of wickedness has begun.
~ German foreign minister Annalena Baerbock 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Flying Pigs

When pigs fly
This is used as a way of saying that you think something will never happen.

Yeah, I’ll agree with Piers Morgan when pigs fly!

Oh look! Is that Wilbur with wings?

Zelenskyy was set up. It was an ambush. It was theater.

This was:

  • A video op so the psychotic Tangerine Twat could preen and cosplay big, strong, in-control dictator.
  • A chance for that socially banjaxed, couchfucking quisling Vance (or whatever name he’s going by this week) to play tough big boy Vice President for an hour.

but mostly

  • A gaslighting performance art piece to support Putin’s continued bombing and destruction of Ukraine.

Did you see this bit?

“I think we’ve seen enough. This is going to be great television, I will say that,” Trump said, telling reporters to leave the room. (source)
That absolutely insane, fuckwitted bastard said “This is going to be great television.” Holy fucking smelly mountains of tyrannosaurus shit! This is real fucking life, you horror show zit! This isn’t some reality TV show or Hollywood movie. There are real people dying. What would these turd snarfing, ball gargling, horrifically-unresolved-daddy-issues excuses for human beings do if Putin started bombing the fuck outta the US.?

I know, I know. Without so much as an eye blink, they’d hand him the keys to Fort Knox, the CIA intel headquarters, and all the nuclear weapons military bases. Already done.

  • Drunk Fox ‘news’ host and fellow rapist Hegseth, as head of defense?
  • Putin employee, Gabbard, as Director of National Intelligence?
  • Bessent at the Treasury? Like a dog, he’s already rolled over, shown Musk his belly, and is letting the unelected, bloated oligarch rob us all blind.

The Republican Party supported and continues to support all this. Every last one of those motherfuckers are responsible for destroying this country that they vociferously CLAIM to love. They should all be shipped off to Russia—exiled, stripped of their citizenship and all the ill-gotten gains. They’re nothing but slavering renfields.

As for the three cheaply bought, human-shaped rectal polyps—Crabby Couchfuck and his two bosses, Stinky and the Ketamine Nazi—please see my post from this past Monday, February 24.

While those assholes were working on handing us over to their lord and master, Putin, the rest of us were doing step one of the boycott boogie.

Will yesterday’s 24 hour Buy Nothing boycott make a difference?

The People’s Union USA calls the 24 hours of spending abstinence set to start at midnight an “economic blackout,”…The activist movement said it also plans to promote weeklong consumer boycotts of particular companies, including Walmart and Amazon.

Other activists, faith-based leaders and consumers already are organizing boycotts to protest companies that have scaled back their diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, and to oppose President Donald Trump’s moves to abolish all federal DEI programs and policies. Some faith leaders are encouraging their congregations to refrain from shopping at Target, one of the companies backing off DEI efforts, during the 40 days of Lent that begin Wednesday.
It’s likely the big box retailers, Walmart, Target, Amazon, etc., won’t notice a one day dip in sales. What they may well feel is the longer blackouts.

The McDonald's boycott? (June 24-30)  For Bast’s sake, NO ONE should be eating that grease soaked, fat expanding garbage.

Ya know, I get it—it’s cheap and filling. Let’s say you’re a single parent working a couple of jobs. You’re exhausted and just can’t manage to put together a healthy casserole or even some mac and cheese for the kiddles. You stop at Trump’s favorite restaurant to pick up a quick, ultra easy, inexpensive dinner for your hungry children. I mean, there’s probably a little protein in that Big Mac and those deep fried chicken nuggets—no green veg but one meal without won’t kill em, right?

Okay fine, but McDonald's meals should be a rarity. Look at the poster boy for Quarter Pounders and fries—is that really what you want to look like? Is this the future you envision for little Angie or Phil junior?

Back to the upcoming and ongoing boycotts. Try to find other, local, non-mega-corp alternatives to Walmart, Target, Amazon, Home Depot, etc. Not just as a temporary boycott either—do it to rebuild and invest in your community. We don't need more power mad, greedheaded robber barons (who pay their employees in chicken shit and stale circus peanuts while they live like kings).

Friday, February 28, 2025


I believe this warmer weather (it’s been in the 40s this week!) is definitely helping my rehab progress. The snow has melted and I’ve been able to go for a few walks along the seawall.

Ahhh, fresh air, I’ve missed you so!

My recumbent elliptical action is better for burning calories, puts less stress on my joints, and works muscles around my hips and lower back thus building up my core muscles.

Walking is better for improving my balance and stability though and that’s my main rehab focus at the mo. Taking a nice, brisk-for-me stroll also works my hamstrings, calves, and ankles more than the elliptical.
Then there’s the whole weight bearing thing.
Weight bearing describes any activity you do on your feet that works your bones and muscles against gravity. When your feet and legs carry your body weight, more stress is placed on your bones, making your bones work harder. (source)
With the recumbent elliptical, I’m sitting. Walking? Nope—I’m vertical and bearing the weight.

On top of everything else that’s amiss with my aging, fucked up bod, I have osteoporosis. My bones are stupid weak and more brittle than they were when I was a dewy 50 year old. Now, if I fall, the fuckers are liable to break. Yes, this would suck giant Rancor wang.

I take a pill and a Vitamin D but more is needed to keep me from toppling and shattering like a Lalique wineglass full of a fine Bordeaux. Walking puts stress on my bones which stimulates growth. This is good. We like this. We don’t like metaphorically spilled wine and broken stemware.

What’s best for rebuilding Donna (and, hopefully one day, ditching the rollator) is a walking/elliptical combo. Both are cardiovascular exercises. Strengthening my heart and lungs is good too.

‘scuse me now, I gotta go for a walk before the wind kicks up.

Thursday, February 27, 2025


Trump was groomed 37 years ago as a potential Soviet asset, according to Alnur Mussayev, the former head of Kazakhstan’s security services, who had been a KGB officer in Moscow at the time.
 “It was that year that our administration recruited a 40-year-old businessman from the United States, Donald Trump under the pseudonym ‘Krasnov.
” (source)

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


I just finished Keanu Reeves Is Not in Love with You: The Murky World of Online Romance Fraud by Becky Holmes. I HIGHLY recommend it!

I first encountered Holmes on Twitter. She posts screenshots of her interactions with romance scammers and other creepers. Now on Threads, her handle is @deathtospinach.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, Holmes joined X (then known as Twitter, which she still insists on calling it) for the first time and entertained herself by responding to direct messages from men who claimed to be lovesick soldiers or oil rig workers dying to meet her—if only she’d pay their way. She eventually started posting her interactions with these impostors, some of whom claimed to be celebrities like Keanu Reeves, and reproduces many of the conversations here, to hilarious effect (she strung one self-identified Prince William along by sending pictures of the Buckingham Palace gates, claiming she was right outside). (source)
Her responses to these fraudsters are hilariously unhinged. (click on the images for embiggening action)

“Alaye”is the Yoruban word for “explanation.” It’s been used by scammers as a code word
to determine if someone they are talking to is also a scammer.
The book also includes a few stories from the victimized, examples of scripts used by scamsters, and a look into the psychology of fraud.
Conjure up, if you will, a mental image of a victim of romance fraud. You’re thinking of a lonely, unattractive, less-than-intelligent, middle-aged woman, right? Absolutely not. I have interviewed dozens of victims and not one of them fitted this stereotype.

Among the women I spoke to were a doctor, a chief executive, a lawyer and a detective. These are highly intelligent, educated and articulate women at the top of their game, with good networks of friends and family. None of them considered themselves lonely….The fraudsters will target anyone. Yes, even you.

They will find out what they can about you and use it against you. You lost someone you love? So did they. You wish you had children? They have a child who would love you. You are religious? He is a churchgoer. You get the picture. Coercive control is at the very centre of this, and whatever story the fraudster concocts, including the ones pretending to be celebrities, it will end with them urgently needing money.
I’ve always thought, nah, I’d NEVER fall for this kind of shit. Why not? I’m a deeply suspicious, slow to trust anyone sort of a babe. Does this mean I’m impervious to swindlers? Fuck no! These cockroach headed freaks go after targets they’ve sussed out as vulnerable.

I’ve had some pretty deep, sub-basement level lows—all my surgeries and recoveries, losing The Amazing Bob, music vanishing in a cloud of tumors, etc. If I’d been targeted by a fraudster during one of my nadirs maybe I’d have been hustled, left penniless and deeply ashamed too.

There have been times when I’ve replied to strangers (men) who’ve sent me direct messages on various social media platforms. Why? For as misanthropic as I am, I still find people interesting and enjoy new stories and perspectives. How’d these turn out? With me seeing, early on, that these dudes were boring as hell or just bad writers, odd (and not in a good way), and more than a bit creepy. Much blocking, before they could ask for money, ensued. Yes, I’ll block someone for the crime of being dull and a poor wordsmith. I’ve never claimed to be a nice, tolerant person!

One of the interesting points Holmes brings up is that women—whether they’re the love grifter or the victim—are viewed more harshly than men. That is, when a woman is taken for a romance ride and drained of money and self-esteem, the initial response from a lot of folks is that she’s been a gullible fool. As for the male malefactor—yes, he’s viewed as scum but the focus is on the gross naiveté of the woman.

If the victim’s a man there’s more immediate sympathy and rage against the evil bitch who perpetrated the emotional and financial crime.
“We need to stop referring to people as ‘falling for’ a scam. We don’t say someone ‘fell for a burglary’ or ‘fell for an assault.’ Romance fraud is not something that people ‘fall for’; it is something that happens to them.”
Keanu Reeves Is Not in Love with You is weird, wacky, witty, engaging AND truly informative. A must read.