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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Distractions and Diversions

When I find myself in times of trouble, mother Mary comes to me,
 speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me,
 speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
-- Paul McCartney
Well no -- not so much for me anyway. Humor, family (Bob, Jen, Oni, Ann and Helen specifically) painting and literature give me comfort, are the balm for me in times of trouble -- not Mary. We all get it, comfort, where we can.

Mi madre’s in her last days now. What this means is this -- right now I’m writing about/posting about diversions, distractions, flotsam and jetsam.

Everything happens/is experienced in it’s own time. Too bad we can’t schedule sorrow. ‘Oh, sorry, I can’t meet at 4 tomorrow -- I’ve slotted feeling-sad-about-my-mother’s-declining-health/imminent-death into that hour. How’s 5 for you -- possibly 6? Never? Is that good?'

So then, join me in my digressions, bitte sehr!

Loved ice cream and miss it horribly now that dairy and I aren’t, really, on speaking terms anymore. What’s an ice cream lover to do? Well, there’s a new joint near where I work in Brighton, Massachusetts called FoMu (get it? Faux Moo...get it?) I haven’t been in yet but will soon. They have little sandwich boards in front which advertise their specials. On one day last week it showed Pumpkin (AWESOME!), Black Raspberry (mmmmmmm) and Avocado (MUST try!). Lavender too. Em...lavender ice cream?

Dunno about this. The scent’s fine for a sachet -- a satin wrapped smellgood bundle to stick in the underwear drawer -- but as an ice cream flavor? Huh. I’d try it but that’s not saying much -- it’s ice cream for fuck’s sake!

Apart from this. I SO need to stop into this joint.

Ever since being introduced to it by chums Lydia and Steve in NYC  (at Cafe Minghala?) I LOVE Burmese food. There’s a fabulous place down the street from work too. It’s called YoMa. There’s no liquor license BUT, you can bring in your own bottle of wine (which we did). The food’s lighter than Chinese and tastier than Thai or Vietnamese -- the Chinese, Thai and Vietnamese that I’ve had, that is.
‘Burmese cuisine includes dishes from various regions of the Southeast Asian country of Burma (now officially known as Myanmar). Owing to the geographic location of Myanmar, Burmese cuisine has been influenced by China, India and Thailand. The diversity of Myanmar's cuisine has also been contributed to by the myriad of local ethnic minorities.’

I don’t have a Twitter account but I like to tune in to various folks account just because the one liners are SO entertaining. Below is some recent fun and horror:

Death Star PR ‏@DeathStarPR

If your 5-point plan doesn’t involve a Clone Army, building a Death Star and taking over the galaxy, you're wasting everyone’s time.

Tom Hilton ‏@TVHilton

After the 1st debate, unmarried women moved toward Romney. He repaid them by blaming them for gun violence. #debate
kimmy @aRealLiveGhost

your body is a ghost factory that takes one lifetime to produce a ghost
Marty Beckerman ‏@martybeckerman

"I can't believe Dinesh D’Souza cheated on his wife — he seemed like such a nice guy when he defended the Crusades and Spanish Inquisition."
Sherman Alexie ‏@Sherman_Alexie

Conservatives are so scared of everything. Comes from being afraid of their mean-ass daddys

1h  Michael Foy ‏@michaeljfoy

@Sherman_Alexie In that case, Lt. #Worf must have been a conservative. :-!

1h  Gatfish ‏@Gatfishing

@Sherman_Alexie and they idealized their cowed yet faithful mothers, Thereby placing that ideal submissive stance upon all women.
Mallory Ortberg @mallelis

Sherman Alexie ‏@Sherman_Alexie

Wine tasting: such an elegant way to be alcoholic.
bandit @UtilityLimb

i'm not racist, but, *cranes neck to see if anyone's around. keeps craning. head unscrews entirely. out of the hole pour jewels & mysteries*
And then we have some, non-Tweet wild, interesting yet creepy shit: Monosアーカイブ
These are photographs of images created, directly on skin, using only acrylic paints by Chooo-San, aged 19, a first year student at Musashino Art Universityin Tokyo, Japan.