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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Toppling Babel -- NOW WITH UPDATINESS!

I just never, ever expect that a customer helper will know American Sign Language. I just don’t. Why? Here in the good ol’ US of A there’s not much emphasis, much import given to learning another language. Sure, sure people do but it’s not way common.

Why do it? From the St. John’s University site:
* helps you to expand your view of the world

* encourages critical reflection on the relation between language and culture, language and thought

* expands your opportunities for meaningful leisure activities (such as travel, viewing foreign language films, watching foreign TV programs)

* develops your intellect (encouraging good learning habits, memorization, combining course content and skills in a meaningful way)

* improves knowledge of the native language (through comparison and contrast with the foreign language)

* exposes you to modes of thought and viewpoints that are available only in the foreign language and its culture

* helps to build practical skills that may be used in other disciplines

* fosters your understanding of the interrelation between language and human nature

* teaches and encourages respect for other ethnic groups

* contributes to the development of your personality

* contributes to the achievement of national goals, such as economic development or national security
* increases your sense of self worth. Speaking Italian or Spanish to your grandmother or ordering in French at a French restaurant will do wonders for your ego!
Emphases mine but all these are GREAT! Another reason to learn a language other than your native one? We can connect with more of our fellow humans. We increase our pool of friends and acquaintances. We grease the wheels of peace, love and understanding for dog’s sake! What's not to love?

Why does this come up now?

I was in the Apple store down at the South Shore Plaza in Braintree (a mega mall) yesterday. My wireless mouse had died a wretched and, assuredly, painful death. My back up wired mousy wasn’t speaking to me. I’d been working on some form layouts for a friend and needed a happy, functioning rodent immediately.

The customer service at the Apple store has always impressed the crap outta me. The last time I was there, to buy my iPad, the fellow who assisted me sparked up his iPad’s voice recognition app. I continued to attempt to read his lips BUT when I couldn’t all I had to do was glance down at the screen and, boy-howdy, the text of what he said was RIGHT there!

Yesterday the Apple folk went one better. The young, very nice, heavily tattooed greeter, upon hearing what I needed (functioning mouse!!!) and being told ‘speak slowly -- I‘m deaf but will try to read your lips,’ went and found me their fabulous employee who KNOWS ASL!!!

Mein Gott this was tremendous! Dude’s name is Joe Rich and, not only does he speak my language, he’s patient as all hell and way knowledgeable.

I just hope he works on Saturdays. This morning my keyboard entered the tertiary stages of Black Plague. Well that’s what it looks like to me and, I assume, the computer caught it from The Amazing Bob and I. My i, k, *, comma and tab keys aren’t working. Nether are a few of the numbers.

Sigh -- it’s always something ‘innt?


I just got back from the Apple store (that same one at the South Shore mega mall). I asked today's lovely greeter dude if Joe Rich was working and could I wait for him. I said all I needed was a keyboard BUT shopping's easier when your helper can sign your language.

Joe was tied up but signed that he'd be just a few minutes. After a couple, greeter guy comes back with the news that Joe was gonna be unavailable for a little while yet BUT they had a second employee who knows sign -- WOW!!!

The totally fab Vicky Villarreal helped me out. I got what I needed and wanted and, just like yesterday, my socks were solidly blown off.

If you're a deafie on the South Shore of Boston THIS is the Apple store to go to. Totally.

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