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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Coupla Things

I work freelance, from home. One upside to this is that my hours are brilliantly flexible. The downside is that I'm always, potentially, at work. If I can respond to email, I can be on the job. What happens when I'm feeling less than stellar? How do I call in sick? Is that even an option?

For Bast’s sake, it’s not like I run a comb through my hair or get out of my jammies until midday as it is. I wake, make the coffee and, still in my robe, zoom into the fast lane. While I’m waiting for downloads/uploads, I get the dishes done, feed the tuxes, tidy up a bit and go down to the seawall to snap a few pics.

When I’m under the weather do I just attend to essentials—cats and urgent layouts? Dusting, dishes and snaps get put on hold? Dishes’re still gonna be there tomorrow when I feel less dreadful so I may as well get them done now. Also too, that sunrise is too brill to pass up—gotta go grab a quick shot.

Yeah, slowing down’s a real challenge for me and, OK, I’ve just discovered the one bit that I miss about working in an office—sick days.
I only mention it but I TOTES understand the point and glut of cute animal vids and pretty nature pics.

Looks like the Lil’ Rebels that Couldn’t are just about toast now.
From Rolling Stone:
The would-be insurrectionists are undermanned, undersupplied and exhausted. They've been unable to provoke the confrontation with federal agents that they chest-thumpingly declared themselves willing to die in. And they've found themselves roundly mocked on social media as "Yee-hawdists" in the service of "Y'all Qaeda," "Yokel Haram" or "Vanilla ISIS."
Camera. Get it OUT of my face, woman!
AND they actually sent out a plea for “snacks.” I wonder if, since they didn’t ask for nap rugs, they remembered to bring those. By the by, they gave an address where snacks can be MAILED via the government postal service. So then, government is evil but it’s needed and trusted for snack delivery. Gotcha.
Our fierce boy is on the job, guarding TAB from the snap happy
Taking up arms against the federal government is no laughing matter, of course. And if the militants were black, brown or Muslim, they'd likely be dead by now. But for a group of heavily armed Christian white dudes play-acting at revolution, things could hardly be going worse.
One of the rebel playtime boys said that he’s:
"100 percent willing to lay my life down to fight against tyranny in this country.”
A) He has no idea, no understanding whatsoever of what the word tyranny means. 
B) How much ya wanna bet that, if troops actually went in to forcibly evict these boys playing rough ’n’ tuff rebel freedom fighter, they’d wet their pants and be begging for mercy in a heartbeat.
Why’d little boy idiot think he could get away with his quarter-assed, not at all baked, moronic stand? Why, because his daddy did AND got away with it!
As of today, the BLM tells us that Bundy still has not paid the more than $1 million in fees and fines he's racked up and that his cattle continue to graze on federal lands.
But young men and children of color die for the crime of holding TOY guns.

I would like more Simon’s Cat vids now, thenkyew.

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