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Saturday, January 9, 2016

Day Two in Artville

This week, daily exercise-wise, has been a complete wash. I’ve been able to work, do some housework, read, doodle and write and such but, beyond that, I’ve just been exhausted from battling these stupid, fucking headaches. Ya know, quite possibly, I’ve had a cold. Could be. Those always take me by surprise. That is, how can I have a cold? WTF! I have Nf2. Isn’t that proof against all other maladies, big and small?

What? No? NO FAIRS!

I went to another Draw the Nekkid Model session yesterday. OK, everyone else was painting—I’m the only one just drawing. It was OK but not as exhilarating as the last time. This might well have been due to those rat bastard, energy stealing headache shits. Fuckers.

My kvetch about the session? The pose wasn’t all that exciting BUT the fact that she’s got to hold it for 3 hours, really, truly limits what can be done. I can well imagine that it’d be a major challenge to hold, say, a Half Moon pose for 180 minutes. Also too, these sessions are, for me right now, about honing my sight, my observation-foo, regaining and rebuilding my hand/eye coordination chops. Once I'm back in the groove I can take pics of people in motion and work from photos again.

I was late getting out of the house, of course, and couldn’t find my conté crayons and charcoal sticks. Merde. I grabbed my Crayolas, figuring I'd look like a total loon next to all the pros, and jetted. As it turns out, I LOVED drawing with the crayons instead of charcoal! I think it’s both the different texture AND the colors. I laid down the initial sketches in orange and then went back in with navy blue and black.

My thought, for next Friday’s session, is that I’ll bring larger paper, tack it to the wall and go big (life size) with my crayons. The newsprint pad is 18x24 but I find that just too damn confining. I’m envious of the other artists who’re all working on 10”x12”-ish boards.

Even though I wasn’t at my most sparkling best yesterday, I could feel the Force (Art Force that is) bubbling through me. I’ve still got it and just gotta keep at it. I’m psyched! Who knows, (not I!) what’s around the corner in Artville.

On the way home I, once again, took a crap turn and got lost. Mind you, this is spectacularly easy to do in Somerville. This time wasn’t as loop-d-loopy as the last.

Baby steps.

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