This day will be about distractifying my mourning heart. To start, I'm not reading the paper or my fave political bloggers. I don't need to know all about today's collection of incomprehensible, stone cruel grotesqueries and short sighted stupidities tricked out by the Vile Orange Id and his crew of sycophantic Republicans. Not on this day. Nope!
Earlier, I voyage down to the water (long-ass trip – I crossed the street) so’s I could sip my java and witness the dawn. A good way to start this hard anniversary. Hell, it’s a fabola way to start any day.
Yesterday was the big, BIG Neck-wide fourth of July celebration. Every family, it seems, hosts a BBQ party. Down on Edgewater Beach (a few blocks down the street from Valhalla) there are bouncy castles and other kiddie attractions. When evening falls there’s a bonfire and pro-fireworks.
During the day, when the bike cops aren’t looking, kids set off those New Hampshire bought, lame-o fireworks. Throughout the day, the erratic explosions always stressed the shit out of my awesome man (Viet Nam flashbacks) as well as the cats (of course). TAB would close himself off in his study, don his headphones and listen to Louis Armstrong (this being the day Mister Armstrong chose as his day). Rocco and Coco found closets to hide in. This year, my little princess didn't hide. Instead she spent the day close at my side or on my lap. Such a brave kitten!
In any case, I was happy to find, on this morning’s walk, almost no evidence of last night’s do. Sure there were a few ciggy butts along the seawall but, unlike past celebrations, there were no clapped out packages of Black Cats, Roman Candles or Christmas In July Fountain fireworks. Yea!
On this big bad day, Jen, Oni and I will drive out to the Berkshires to the Saint Francis Gallery in South Lee. This is where I first discovered Linda Baker-Cimini’s brill, strange, charming drawings. I wonder who I’ll find this time.
We'll likely stop in Stockbridge to take in the Warhol exhibit at the Norman Rockwell Museum (love that place!) and the latest sculpture show at Chesterwood. Maybe we'll motor up to Lenox for the sculpture on display at The Mount. While in town we can check out The Bookstore (and Get Lit Wine Bar).
A day starting at the ocean, followed by mountains, woods, art, books and wine. Yup. It's a plan.

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