Sealed indictments DO NOT mean that the entire Trump administration is going to jail on Monday.*sigh, groan, sniffle* I know. I know.
Like most, I expect Manafort will be the only one on Monday’s perp walk. If anyone else joins him it’ll be, as Jim writes, "little fish” – not Junior or Ivanka's Boy Blunder.
Will the indictments and lock ups shake Trump's followers' faith? I doubt it. As it is, Politifact, the nonpartisan fact-checking website, has found that 21% of Trump’s statements are mostly false, 33% are completely false and 15% are Pants On Fire crazy false. His statements are found to be fully true just 5% of the time.
And still, his supporters seem to believe that every spewed ball of steaming possum shit is truth, fresh from the mount. Will von Clownstick’s fact averse, pathetic, white supremacist cult following wake up at all when his corrupt camarilla's treasonous crimes are front page, above the fold news?
I’m not holding my breath. The Orange Menace booms and cries “Fake News” like a mantra and the faithful believe him. The Republican party, despite knowing the fat fraud's a dangerous, seriously unstable, nuclear Armageddon-in-the-offing, don’t/won’t challenge his mondo Orwellian dodge. (Yeah, Flake and Corker – nice of you to make an appearance here in Realityville but YUR LATE and, given yur voting records, way disingenuous!)

Dan Kahan, Professor of Law and Professor of Psychology at Yale notes that:
People have a stake in some position being true because the status of their group or their standing in it depends on that answer.

Debbie Dense’s sense of self, her belief system and internal wiring, combined with that of the crowd she runs with determines what she buys as truth. Facts don’t matter – rather, for Debbie (or Doug) Dense, facts are what they feel they must be. They’re elaborate constructs based on emotion.
Can these cultists be deprogrammed?
Will 45's followers twig to the con when they get horribly ill and can’t afford health insurance any more? Will they snap to the swindle when their jobs vanish overseas or don't return from there as he'd promised? How about when they can’t afford to send their kids to school after his pet billionaire dimwit completes her dismantling of public education? Mebbe they’ll get an inkling something’s up after they’re hit by a hurricane, lose everything they've ever owned and he tosses them a roll of Bounty? Will Polluting Pruitt succeed in allowing them to be poisoned before they think “Huh, Trump might not have my back after all.” How about when their kiddles are offed in a wag-the-dog, my-dick’s-bigger-than-yours war?
Once more – not holding my breath.
And of course, Trump and team, in supposed defense, are acting as though they’re still competing against Clinton. Problem, there's no there there.
Also too, Dude, you “won.” Election's over. Everthing's ALL on you now, Sweetheart!
Sex Crime – Eurythmics
I won't be disappointed if it's just Monofart for now. He's a reasonably big fish. If Mueller can get him to turn state's evidence in exchange for leniency, it could provide a basis for reeling in Trumplings higher up the ladder -- perhaps even the Megacheeto himself. That's the way these things normally work.
ReplyDeleteOf necessity, this investigation has been meticulous and careful. Its results won't all come in in one day or even in one month.
You're right, you're right. I really hope it's Manafort and he sings like Beverly Sills
Delete...warns us that Robert Mueller's first arrests on Monday will be disappointing.
ReplyDeleteDemocrats/liberals/progressive when they are not fighting amongst themselves tend to believe in pie-in-the-sky solutions that will change the world on a dime. Best example is how some wanted to convince members of the electoral college to switch their votes and make Hilary president.
Like Mr. Wright I believe we might be underwhelmed by the arrests later today. That being said from the moment this nightmare began last November, I believed our main hope should lie in the 2018 midterms and then the 2020 presidential campaign.
As for Trump supporters, can't speak for northerners suffering from lost jobs, but down here in the south their backing of that abomination has mostly to do with undoing everything Obama did in office.
Yes, yes, there IS a significant faction here on theLeft who engage in magical thinking.
DeleteThe 2018 midterms are crucial!
"undoing everything Obama did in office"
?????? Because being able to afford health insurance is so awful? Diplomacy vs war is odious? Not being taken to the cleaners by big banks is evil?