Sure, there’s happy and/or interesting stuff too – ART, books, travel, dreams, Sky (SQUEEEE!) and pics of Coco but those don’t show up as often as my rages against the machine and my have-you-seen-THIS-heinousosity posts.
Balance is important. I need more of that balance shit.
Related. Sort of. I saw one of those irresistable, silly quizes. This one was:
Everyone has an ancient Greek Goddess who matches their personality – here’s yours.
I lurvs me some Greek dieties so, OF COURSE, I had to take it.

AtroposRilly? I mean, that could be totes handy – especially in these VERY dark, scary republican years BUT... I couldn’t be Baubo, goddess of sexy mirth? ‘the fuck’s up with that shit?
You have a dark character, a fascination with all things morbid. Maybe you're even a bit gothic. You are matched to Atropos, the third and oldest of the three fates. While her sisters Clotho and Lachesis spin and measure the threads that represent the lives of humans, it is Atropos who cuts the thread to length, choosing the time and manner of death.
Baubo, a fun-loving, bawdy, jesting, sexually liberated—yet very wise—goddess who plays a crucial, healing role in the Eleusian mysteries of ancient Greece. (source)Atropos’s very name means “unalterable” or “inflexible.” Great, I’m gloomy as hell, possibly even ghoulish AND I’m uptight. Not cool, not cool at all.
Y’all do me a mitzvah, eh? Don’t tell Sky. Mebbe, if we don’t tell him, he won’t notice that I’m a level 12, humor-free, sepulchral tension demon.
Also too, don’t shoot my dreams and delusions in the ankle with your reality nonsense, K?

Jen and Oni’s four year old nephew Patrick gave me the opportunity. It was raining and chilly. NOT a day for swimming and running around outside. Instead, we watched flicks starting with Bolt. Good mood lifting plan, right?
Should I be embarrassed that tears came to my eyes toward the end when Bolt, Mittens (a beautiful, Coco-esque Tux) and Rhino, (the fearless fat hamster) are reunited? How about when Bolt saves Jenny from the burning building? What about when the three strays are adopted together by Jenny e famiglia? Yup, I was def a little watery.
Then in Coraline — a desperately transparent , yet creepy, cut-your-folks-some-slack/be-happy-with-what-you’ve-got fable — our unhappy young heroine just barely escapes the wicked spider woman (who, c’mon, just wanted someone to love). I was on the edge of my seat. Coraline survives and returns to her folks who are finally in good, attentive moods. Happy ending point – mom gives her a surprise gift of the bright multi colored mittens she’d been longing for. Yup, tears were banging on the ducts, wanting OUT NOW, once more.
So then, no Disney today. How about Bergman instead? The Seventh Seal? Persona? Cries and Whispers? Those'll cheer me up...right?
I have watched Bolt so many times with my grand-daughter I ... hid it.