I wonder how each of them will do – given their respective revealing, insensitive and clueless statements – in states that aren’t so very snowy in hue.
Mind you I’m beyond tired of the primaries ALREADY.

Upstate (S.C.) GOP activists are encouraging Republicans to participate in the First in the South Democratic Primary and vote for Sanders, a self-described Democratic Socialist.
The plan was first reported by the (Charleston) Post and Courier. But on Wednesday, another effort called “Operation Chaos 2020” emerged, too. That effort echoes one pushed by conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh in 2008 when he encouraged Republican voters to vote for Hillary Clinton to prolong the Democratic primary race against Barack Obama. (source)Apparently the Republi/Facist cult feels that Bernie would be easiest to beat. Maybe he would be – maybe not. They seem certain though and intend to ratfuck the election to their fever-dreamed benefit.
The GOP – they can only win by cheating.
Then there’s Prez. Giant Warped Ego. It wasn’t enough for him to fire Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman AND his brother, now theTangerine (partially anyway) Turd wants the military to prosecute Vindman for the crime of telling the truth and loving his country more than the failure/squatter in the White House.
Mark Zaid, an attorney who represents whistleblowers, said he did not know if removing Vindman constitutes "unlawful retaliation." But escorting him off the White House grounds "was definitely tacky at a minimum," he said in a Twitter post. (source)
So, I’m DONE with the news for, bare min, the next few days. Imma hit the book store late this morning in hopes of finding Where Were You Last Pluterday (Paul van Herk) and Martians, Go Home (Frederic Brown) – none of the South Shore libraries carry either. Hmmph!
That and I’ll continue to sort through the bazillion and one half images on my 35mm mirrorless camera (now that I’ve got it connected to my new computer) – see what’s worth keeping and what def needs to be tossed. I’m attempting organization.
Wish me luck.
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